Business Capability Definitions - Planned Logistics
List of Business Capabilities - Planned Logistics
Name Description
Deliver The Deliver processes describe the activities associated with the creation, maintenance, and fulfillment of customer orders. It includes the receipt, validation, and creation of customer orders; scheduling order delivery; and pick, pack, and shipment.
Make - Includes Maintenance The Make processes describe the activities associated with the conversion of materials or creation of the content for services. It focuses on conversion of materials rather than production or manufacturing because Make represents all types of material conversions: assembly, chemical processing, maintenance, repair, overhaul, recycling, refurbishment, remanufacturing, and other material conversion processes.
Plan The Plan processes describe the planning activities associated with operating a supply chain. This includes gathering customer requirements, collecting information on available resources, and balancing requirements and resources to determine planned capabilities and resource gaps. This is followed by identifying the actions required to correct any gaps.
Return The Return processes describe the activities associated with the reverse flow of goods back from the customer. The Return process includes the identification of the need for a return, scheduling of the return, the shipment and receipt of the returned goods, the disposition decision making, the screening of customers for disposed material, and the demil and scrap disposition actions. (Repair, recycling, refurbishment, and remanufacturing processes are not described using Return process elements. See Make.)
Source The Source processes describe the ordering (or scheduling) and receipt of goods and services. The Source process includes issuing purchase orders, inventory accountability, scheduling deliveries, receiving, and shipment validation and storage.