Formulate Program and Budget 

Type - System Function
Description: This system function supports the collection and analysis of program data and the subsequent development of the Department of Defense resource allocations and budget proposal for inclusion to the President’s Budget. The Formulate, Program, and Budget System function enables key decision-makers to synthesize strategic goals and set departmental focus areas. This function facilitates the detailed review of a program's capability, pricing, phasing, and overall probability to be executed on time and within budget. The formulation of the program and budget addresses the years to be justified in the President's Budget and prepares the programs to be developed into appropriations. This function includes updating the FYDP, development of budget guidance, review of component's budget proposals, and the budget hearing review between OSD, OMB, Congress and the components. This function also includes the negotiation of top-line passback information from the OMB to ensure consistency with the President's Management Agenda. 
CBM Stakeholders: FM

System Function - Operational Activities


Operational Activities
Collect Program and Budget Information
Conduct Budget Review
Develop Budget Guidance
Develop and Resolve Programmatic Issues
Evaluate Budget Submission
Evaluate Program Information
Evaluate Strategic Goals
Incorporate Program Decisions
Issue Budget Decision
Issue Program Decision Memorandum
Negotiate OMB Passback
Perform Executive Level Planning
Prepare DoD Submission for President's Budget
Support Congressional Budget Review
Track Congressional Action
Update FYDP

System Function - System Entities


System Entities
FoS Budgetary Resource Management