Type - ICOM Arrow
Description: Develop a capability to value and account for military equipment to achieve financial management improvements as called for in the President's Management Agenda. Achieving this financial management improvement achieves two objectives for DoD. First, it gives DoD decision makers reliable, accurate, and transparent information with which to determine the total acquisition cost of assets. Decision makers will get information that can be compared over time and between programs, which will allow better investment planning. Second, it will enhance the public's trust of DoD. 
Information Exchanges:   
CBM Stakeholders: WSLM
Parent ICOM Arrow: Law and Regulation and Policy

ICOM Arrow - Diagrams


OV-5b Operational Activity Model Diagrams
Perform Asset Accountability
Perform Initial Capital Asset Valuation

ICOM Arrow - Control to Activities


Control to Operational Activities
Conduct Physical Inventory
Initiate Asset Valuation
Maintain Asset Information
Perform Initial Capital Asset Valuation
Relieve Asset Valuation
Update Asset Valuation