Treasury Warrant 

Type - ICOM Arrow
Description: The Treasury warrant is a financial control document, issued after enactment of the Appropriation Act by the Treasury Department. This document is the basis for reporting cash on the books authorized to be withdrawn from the central account maintained by the Treasury, essentially maintaining the bottom line for all appropriations. This document is one of the three main sources that must be approved prior to issuing the Budget Authority to the component.
Information Exchanges: Treasury Warrant
CBM Stakeholders: FM
Parent ICOM Arrow: Treasury Input Information

ICOM Arrow - Diagrams


OV-5b Operational Activity Model Diagrams
Execute Planning Programming and Budgeting
Perform Enterprise Funds Distribution
Perform Financial Management
Perform Treasury Operations

ICOM Arrow - Input to Activities


Input to Operational Activities
Execute Apportionment
Manage Disbursements
Perform Enterprise Funds Distribution
Perform Treasury Operations