Appeal Material 

Type - ICOM Arrow
Description: Each year the actions taken by congressional committees during consideration of the DoD authorization and appropriation requests are reviewed by the DoD components and normally that review process results in the component submitting an appeal to the committee actions. Appeals may be made on the basis of dollars, quantities, manpower and/or language. The submission of appeal materials to the congressional committees involves a letter to the appropriate committee chairman (or chairmen in the case of appeals to joint conferees), which sets forth the department's position on the most significant programs/items impacted by congressional actions. This letter is prepared for the signature of the Secretary of Defense. Only the secretary will provide the department's position on appeal items. The sequence for submission of appeal material can vary each year and is primarily dependent upon the timing of each committee's actions on the budget request. The preparation of appeal items begins when the actions of the committees become known. Where feasible, the appeal material will be modified to reflect final floor action since amendments adopted on the floor can significantly change positions reported out by the committees. The appeal will be as close to the President's Budget as possible, while restricted to considering only the last two actions (assuming there have been two) within each separate process (i.e., authorization and appropriation). 
Information Exchanges: Appeal Material
CBM Stakeholders: FM
Parent ICOM Arrow: Program and Budget Input Information

ICOM Arrow - Diagrams


OV-5b Operational Activity Model Diagrams
Execute Planning Programming and Budgeting

ICOM Arrow - Input to Activities


Input to Operational Activities
Support Congressional Budget Review