Type - ICOM Arrow
Description: Item Unique Identification (IUID) is the strategic imperative for uniquely identifying tangible personal property items. Enable the accurate, timely recording of information on the location, movement, status and identity of equipment, materiel and supplies, to ensure accurate acquisition, repair, and deployment of items in an efficient and effective manner. 
Information Exchanges:   
CBM Stakeholders: MSSM
Parent ICOM Arrow: Law and Regulation and Policy

ICOM Arrow - Diagrams


OV-5b Operational Activity Model Diagrams
Conduct Sourcing
Deliver Property and Forces
Dispose or Return Property and Materiel
Manage Property and Materiel
Perform Asset Accountability
Perform Initial Capital Asset Valuation

ICOM Arrow - Control to Activities


Control to Operational Activities
Administer Procurement Instrument or IGT Order
Assemble and Marshal Forces
Authorize Return or Disposal
Award Procurement Instrument or IGT Order
Conduct Physical Inventory
Consolidate Orders into Conveyance-Based Loads
Deliver Property and Forces
Determine Route and Carriers
Dispose Property or Materiel
Dispose or Return Property and Materiel
Identify Property and Materiel for Return or Disposal
Identify and Reserve Supply Chain Resources
Initiate Asset Valuation
Maintain Asset Information
Manage Inbound and Outbound Shipments
Perform Build and Make and Maintenance and Sustainment
Perform Initial Capital Asset Valuation
Perform Instrument Closeout
Perform Receipt Acceptance and Return
Relieve Asset Valuation
Schedule Return or Disposal
Transport Materiel and Forces
Update Asset Valuation