Recoveries from Unobligated Balance 

Type - ICOM Arrow
Description: Broad responsibility by Congress that Government agencies have the power to spend federal funds recovered from prior year obligations, both expired and unexpired. Congress can specify availability and criteria for spending these funds. Recoveries from unobligated balances includes the both actual and anticipated funds, regardless of whether expired and unexpired at the time of recovery. 
Information Exchanges: Recoveries from Unobligated Balance
CBM Stakeholders: FM
Parent ICOM Arrow:  

ICOM Arrow - Diagrams


OV-5b Operational Activity Model Diagrams
Execute Planning Programming and Budgeting
Execute the DoD Decision Support System
Manage General Ledger Transactions
Manage the Department of Defense Business Mission
Perform Enterprise Funds Distribution
Perform Financial Management

ICOM Arrow - Input to Activities


Input to Operational Activities
Manage General Ledger Transactions
Perform Financial Management
Post to General Ledger

ICOM Arrow - Output from Activities


Output from Operational Activities
Execute Apportionment
Execute Planning Programming and Budgeting
Execute the DoD Decision Support System
Perform Enterprise Funds Distribution