Student Course Evaluation 

Type - ICOM Arrow
Description: This includes information associated with the evaluation of Department of Defense (DoD) individual training courses and education programs. This information may include (but not be limited to) details of the feedback (course is sufficient, course has deficiencies, and proposals to make the course better) given by the student of that particular course. This information will be used to evaluate perceived deficiencies of, or a proposal for a modification to, a specific individual training and education program. 
Information Exchanges: Student Course Evaluation
CBM Stakeholders: HRM
Parent ICOM Arrow:  

ICOM Arrow - Diagrams


OV-5b Operational Activity Model Diagrams
Deliver Individual Training Course

ICOM Arrow - Input to Activities


Input to Operational Activities
Perform Individual Training Course Evaluation

ICOM Arrow - Output from Activities


Output from Operational Activities
Conduct Individual Training Course