Occupation Competencies Deficiency 

Type - ICOM Arrow
Description: This includes information associated with warfighter personnel identifying a problem (e.g., warfighter request based on operational problem potential short term solution) potentially requiring Department of Defense (DoD) modification to DoD competencies identified for DoD funded development actions. The information may include (but not be limited to) requestor personal information (e.g., name, ID number, organization), competency development proposal, proposed relationship of competency to occupations or occupation families, intended operational result of proposed competency development. 
Information Exchanges: Occupation Competencies Deficiency
CBM Stakeholders: HRM
Parent ICOM Arrow: Personnel Development Deficiency

ICOM Arrow - Diagrams


OV-5b Operational Activity Model Diagrams
Manage Competencies
Manage Personnel Development

ICOM Arrow - Input to Activities


Input to Operational Activities
Determine Occupational Competencies
Manage Competencies