Employee Performance Management 

Type - FEA BRM
Description: Employee Performance Management designs, develops, and implements a comprehensive performance management approach to ensure agency employees are demonstrating competencies required of their work assignments. Design, develop and implement a comprehensive performance management strategy that enables managers to make distinctions in performance and links individual performance to agency goal and mission accomplishment. This sub-function also includes managing employee performance at the individual level and evaluating the overall effectiveness of the agency’s employee development approach. 

FEA BRM - Operational Activity


Operational Activities
Administer Assignment Action
Administer Performance Evaluation
Administer Performance Program
Administer Physical Fitness Program
Administer Promotion Appeal
Administer Recognition Program
Administer Reenlistment Process
Assess Physical Fitness Program
Assess Progress Against Individual Development Plan
Capture Award Specification
Closeout Performance Evaluation Process
Conduct Promotion Selection
Counsel Personnel on Performance Evaluation Report
Counsel Personnel on Performance Plan
Deliver Education Programs
Deliver Individual Training Course
Determine Award Type Request
Determine Eligibility for Award
Determine Performance Evaluation Rating Chain
Determine Personnel Requiring Performance Evaluation
Develop Career Path Plan
Develop Education Programs
Develop Individual Training Course
Develop Physical Fitness Program
Distribute Award Order
Distribute Personnel Grade Change Order
Establish Individual Development Plan
Establish Performance Evaluation Rating Chain
Establish Performance Management Programs
Establish Performance Plan
Evaluate Performance Management Programs
Evaluate Personnel Performance
Execute Award Order
Execute Demotion
Execute Individual Assignment
Execute Performance Evaluation
Execute Promotion
Generate Award Order
Generate Personnel Grade Change Order
Identify Career Path Requirements
Identify Promotion Candidates
Inform Appropriate Parties of Performance Evaluation
Issue Award Certificate
Maintain Career Path Requirements
Maintain Physical Fitness Program
Make Decision on Award
Manage Career Path
Manage Individual Development Plan
Manage Learning
Manage Performance Evaluation Appeals
Manage Performance Plan
Manage Personnel Demotion
Manage Personnel Development
Manage Personnel Promotion
Prepare Award Order
Prepare Award Reclama Decision
Prepare Award Recommendation Request
Prepare Personnel Grade Change Order
Produce Award Recommendation
Provide Award Order Decision
Provide Award Request Decision
Provide Performance Evaluation Appeal Decision
Provide Personnel Grade Change Order Decision
Publish Performance Evaluation Rating Chain
Review Demotion Decision
Update Personnel Award Information
Update Profile with Performance Evaluation Appeals Information
Validate Award Recommendation Request