Enterprise Standard
Person Social Security Number
Person Social Security Number [is] a unique number assigned by Social Security Administration (SSA) to identify a person when reporting wages, paying taxes and collecting benefits.

Person Social Security Number (SSN) is used to document a unique number assigned by Social Security Administration (SSA) to identify a person when reporting wages, paying taxes and collecting benefits.

Person SSN is considered Personally Identifiable Information (PII). Person SSN serves as one of the primary means to associate a person with a personnel/pay Record.

The acceptable use of Person SSN is limited to information needs covering statutory requirements, regulatory requirements and/or operational necessities. (DTM-07-015-USD (P&R, Para. 2.a&b))

Person SSN serves as a primary means of identification finds appropriate use under the following categories: Geneva Convention Serial Number Creation; Law Enforcement, National Security Credentialing; Security Clearance Investigations or Verifications; Interaction With Financial Institutions; Confirmation of Employment Eligibility; Administration of Federal Worker's Compensation; Federal Taxpayer Identification; Interoperability with other government agencies; Foreign Travel; Noncombatant Evacuation Operations (NEOs), Legacy System Interface and other Authorized areas of use. (DTM-07-015-USD (P&R, Para. 2.C 1-12))

Person SSN may be displayed in various formats to include; Truncated, Masked, Partially Masked, Encrypted and Disguised.
Permitted Values
Business Rules
Personally Identifiable Information Requirements Apply
Yes PII Checklist
Standard Context
Compensation and Reimbursements
Separation and Retirement