Enterprise Standard
Person Race
Person Race is a person's self-identification to the race or races with which he/she most closely identifies.

Person Race is used as a social-political construct designed for collecting Data on broad population groups in the U.S., and are not anthropologically or scientifically based. Person Race is used with Person Ethnicity to support equal opportunity management Objectives and reporting requirements. Other uses include ad-hoc tabulations/extracts for DoD, Congress and other government agencies.

The racial and ethnic categories set forth in the standards should not be interpreted as being primarily biological or genetic in reference. Race and ethnicity may be thought of in terms of social and cultural characteristics as well as ancestry. (OMB Race and Ethnicity Guidance October 30, 1997)

Respect for individual dignity should guide the processes and methods for collecting Data on race and ethnicity; ideally, respondent self-identification should be facilitated to the greatest extent possible, recognizing that in some Data collection systems observer identification is more practical. (OMB Race and Ethnicity Guidance October 30, 1997)

The racial and ethnic categories should be comprehensive in coverage and produce compatible, nonduplicative, exchangeable Data across federal agencies. (OMB Race and Ethnicity Guidance October 30, 1997)

Foremost consideration should be given to Data aggregations by race and ethnicity that are useful for statistical analysis and program administration and assessments bearing in mind that the standards are not intended to be used to establish eligibility for participation in any federal program. (OMB Race and Ethnicity Guidance October 30, 1997)
Permitted Values
American Indian Or Alaska Native
Black Or African American
Native Hawaiian Or Other Pacific Islander
Business Rules
Personally Identifiable Information Requirements Apply
Yes PII Checklist
Standard Context