Enterprise Standard
Member Reserve Income Replacement Allowance Average Month Civilian Income Amount
Member Reserve Income Replacement Allowance Average Month Civilian Income Amount is the dollar amount of civilian income earned by a Reserve Component DoD Military Service member in a year averaged over twelve months.

Member Reserve Income Replacement Allowance Average Month Civilian Income Amount is used to document the dollar amount of civilian income earned by a Reserve Component DoD Military Service member in a year averaged over twelve months.

Member Reserve Income Replacement Allowance Average Month Civilian Income Amount is determined by the Secretary concerned based on either: A) The member's total earned income for the twelve full months immediately preceding the member's current mobilization, divided by twelve, or B) The member's earned income reported on the most recent federal income tax filing that covers a twelve month period prior to mobilization, divided by twelve.

A Reserve Component member is entitled to payment of Reserve Income Replacement Program (RIRP) on the first day of a full calendar month (e.g., January, February, March) after performing a preceding full calendar month of Active Duty Service after completing the requisite eligibility period.
Permitted Values
Business Rules
Personally Identifiable Information Requirements Apply
Standard Context
Compensation and Reimbursements