Enterprise Standard
Member Overseas Tour Extension Incentive Type
Member Overseas Tour Extension Incentive Type is the Classification of incentive options a DoD Military Service member may receive when he/she agrees to participate in the overseas tour extension incentive program.

Member Overseas Tour Extension Incentive Type is used to document the Classification of incentive options a DoD Military Service member may receive when he/she agrees to participate in the overseas tour extension incentive program.
Permitted Values
Overseas Tour Extension Annual Bonus Payment (37 USC 314 (b)(2))
Overseas Tour Extension Special Pay (37 USC 314 (b)(1))
Rest and Recuperative Absence or Transportation at Government Expense (10 USC 70
Travel / Transportation Allowance ICW authorized Leave (37 USC 411g)
Business Rules
Personally Identifiable Information Requirements Apply
Standard Context
Compensation and Reimbursements