Enterprise Standard
Member Military Service Initial Obligation End Date
Member Military Service Initial Obligation End Date is the calendar date on which a DoD Military Service member's original requirement to serve in a DoD Military Service ends.

Member Military Service Initial Obligation End Date is used to Record the calendar date on which a DoD Military Service member's original requirement to serve in a DoD Military Service ends.

A DoD Military Service member may fulfill his/her Military Service Initial Obligation with any combination of Active Duty and Service in a Reserve Component of a DoD Military Service.

During war or national emergency or when otherwise Authorized by law, a person who is inducted under Title 50 Appendix, United States Code, Section 451 et seq., and who completes the required period of active training and Military Service shall continue to hold his or her appointment or enlistment contract to serve as a Reservist and shall be required to fulfill the terms of the obligation, unless discharged by the Secretary of the Military Department concerned.

The MSO is not terminated on discharge or other type of separation for immediate entry or reentry in the same or any other Component of the Military Services, or for entry into an officer training program in which the person remains a member of a Military Service. Service performed before and after such a discharge or other type of separation shall be counted toward fulfillment of such obligation.
Permitted Values
Business Rules
Personally Identifiable Information Requirements Apply
Standard Context
Compensation and Reimbursements
Separation and Retirement