Enterprise Standard
Member Incapacitation Pay Payment Amount
Member Incapacitation Pay Payment Amount is the dollar amount of pay and allowances paid to a DoD Military Service member of a Reserve Component as an entitlement resulting from a physical disability incurred or aggravated by the DoD Military Service member in the Line of Duty.

Member Incapacitation Pay Payment Amount is used to document the dollar amount of pay and allowances paid to a DoD Military Service member of a Reserve Component as an entitlement resulting from a physical disability incurred or aggravated by the DoD Military Service member in the Line of Duty. As documented in the business facts, there are limitations on both the monthly amount of incapacitation pay for DoD Military Service member and the time duration during which a DoD Military Service member can receive it.
Permitted Values
Business Rules
Personally Identifiable Information Requirements Apply
Standard Context
Compensation and Reimbursements