OV-6c Business Process Model
Accept Goods and Services
Acknowledge Goods Tendered and Services Rendered
Administer Assignment Action
Administer Procurement Instrument
Administer the Contract
Asset Accountability
Assign Human Resources
Award Procurement Instrument
Calculate Allowances Earnings
Calculate Basic Pay Earnings
Calculate Debts and Garnishments
Calculate Other Earnings
CIP Process
Common Supplier Engagement
Compute Accrued Leave Payment
Compute BAH with or without Dependents
Compute COLA with or without Dependents
Compute CONUS COLA with or without Dependents
Compute CSB Bonus Repayment Debt
Compute Disability Severance Pay Amount
Compute Fractional COLA
Compute FSH-O
Compute IRR ING Bonus Repayment Debt
Compute OHA with or without Dependents
Compute Other Bonus Repayment Debt
Compute SRHCP in Critically Short Wartime Specialty Bonus Repayement Debt
Compute TLA
Conduct Physical Inventory
Create CIP and or WIP Account
Create Initial Asset Record
Develop Procurement Strategy
Develop Sourcing Strategy
Dispose or Return Property and Materiel
Execute Contract
Execute Contract Closeout
Execute Requisition
Execute Sourcing Strategy
Finalize Acceptance
HL Account for Time, Absence, and Labor
HL Administer Grievance Process
HL Administer Inter-Service Transfer
HL Administer Intra-Service Transfer
HL Administer Performance Evaluation
HL Administer Physical Fitness Program
HL Administer Recognition Program
HL Administer Reenlistment Process
HL Administer Transfer between Military Personnel Classes
HL Administer Transfer To and From Active Duty
HL Generate Personnel Grade Change Order
HL Manage Access to Healthcare
HL Manage Adverse Actions
HL Manage Assignment
HL Manage Benefit Programs
HL Manage Career Path
HL Manage Civilian Staff Acquisition
HL Manage Competencies
HL Manage Education
HL Manage Enlistment Extension
HL Manage Human Resources Information
HL Manage Human Resources Recovery Coordination Program
HL Manage Identity Credential
HL Manage Individual Development Plan
HL Manage Individual Training Course
HL Manage Labor Relations
HL Manage Line of Duty Determination Process
HL Manage Military Personnel Separation
HL Manage Officer Involuntary Retention
HL Manage Personnel Casualty
HL Manage Personnel Classification
HL Manage Personnel Demotion
HL Manage Personnel Distribution
HL Manage Personnel Planning
HL Manage Personnel Promotion
HL Manage Personnel Security
HL Manage Physical Evaluation Process
HL Manage Quality of Life
HL Manage Recruiting
HL Manage Reimbursements
HL Manage Special Category Retention
HL Manage Transition Assistance
HL Manpower - Administer OUID
HL Manpower - Manage Organizational Structure
HL Manpower - PPBE
HL Manpower - Process Manpower Change
HL Perform Absence Administration
HL Perform Leave Administration
HL Perform Personnel Readiness Assessment
HL Perform Workforce Analysis
Issue Identity Credential
Maintain Asset Information
Maintain Identity Credential
Manage Applicant Processing Scheduling
Manage Compensation
Manage Military Personnel Retirement
Manage Procurement Entitlement
Manage Sales and Procurement
Monitor and Improve Process
Perform Acceptance Procedures
Perform Accession Shipping
Perform Aptitude Qualification
Perform Asset Accountability
Perform Asset Valuation
Perform Build and Make and Maintenance and Sustainment
Perform ESOH Services
Perform Inspection and Testing and Verification
Perform Instrument Closeout
Perform Medical Prescreen
Perform Medical Qualification
Perform Physical Asset Accountability
Perform Preliminary Screening
Perform Receipt, Acceptance and Return
Perform Service Accession
Personnel Visibility
Process Requirement
Receive and Accept Purchase Request
Receive Goods and Services
Revoke Identity Credential
Update CIP and or WIP Account