Gateway List
Name Description OV-6c Business Process Diagram(s)
Able to meet Requirements? Based on collaboration with the customer a determination is made that the cost model is able to adequately meet requirements of the customer. Define Cost Performance Model
Able to Perform Analysis? Determine if the request for information is within the scope of responsibilities. Perform Cost Analysis
Acceptable Discrepancies? A gateway to determine whether the discrepancy report for goods and services is acceptable or not. IGT-IPP Systems View - Part 1
Perform Receipt, Acceptance and Return
Acceptable Proposals Received? During the receipt and review of proposal time frame, proposals are evaluated for criteria which will determine there acceptability. Award Procurement Instrument
Accepted? Accepted? IGT-IPP Systems View - Part 1
Accounts Receivable Balance is Greater Than Net Payable Balance Is the accounts receivable balance greater than the net payable balance? Manage Liabilities
Accrued Liability? Is the liability an accrued liability? Manage Liabilities
Action to be taken. This gateway will direct which process needs to occur next. HL Manage Career Path
HL Manage Education
HL Manage Human Resources Information
HL Manage Individual Training Course
HL Manage Quality of Life
Action Type Determine what type of collection action is required. Manage Delinquent Debt
Activity Based on Assessment Determine the type of reprogramming action. Perform Reprogramming and Transfers
Ad Hoc Reporting Information Available A joining gateway that continues the Ad Hoc reporting process after requested additional information is received. The periodic reporting process continues based upon the completion of all of the flows taken out of the "Is supplemental ad hoc reporting information required?" splitting gateway, indicating that all of the necessary ad hoc reporting information is available. Manage Ad Hoc Reporting
Additional Action Required? Based on collaboration with the customer this is a decision point to determine whether further action is or is not required to meet the requirements. Define Cost Performance Model
Additional Assessment Needed? A decision as to whether further assessment of an environmental site or item is necessary to determine (a) whether a solution is needed, or (b) what a solution should entail. Perform ESOH Services
Additional Authority Request Approved? Determine if additional funding request is approved or not by OSD. Execute Continuing Resolution
Additional Budget Information Required After evaluating the budget data, determine if additional information is required. Perform Budgeting
Additional Continuing Resolution Request Approved? Determine if additional continuing resolution request if approved. Execute Continuing Resolution
Additional Information Type Additional Information Type Perform Medical Qualification
Adjustment Required? After determining if the request is valid and in conformity with the standard is an adjustment required. Define Cost Performance Model
Execute Apportionment and Allocate Funds
Advance? Determine if the revenue is an advance. IGT-IPP Systems View - Part 1
Manage Receivables
Agreement Needed? A gateway to determine if Approved Sourcing Plan for Non Micropurchase needs an agreement or if creation and identification of an agreement is not required. Develop Sourcing Strategy
All Requirements Satisfied? Determine if the requirements from the customer are satisfied. Populate Cost Performance Model
Amend Request for Proposal? A gateway to determine whether the Request for Proposal needs to be modified based on comments from suppliers and/or other applicable revisions. Award Procurement Instrument
Anomalies Exist? This is a decision point to determine if the unapproved trial balance has anomalies that required correcting business event. IGT-IPP Systems View - Part 2
Perform Financial Reporting
Anomaly Detected? Has an anomaly been detected in the data? Populate Cost Performance Model
Appeal Required? Is an appeal required in response to congressional budget review? Support Congressional Budget Review
Apply Analytical Technique Apply the trend analysis, forecast analysis and comparative analysis. Perform Cost Analysis
Approved? Determine if additional funding request is approved or not by OMB. Perform Reprogramming and Transfers
Are Adjustments to Assumptions Required? Determine if adjustments are required to assumptions after comparing prior period forecasts to actual results for the same period. Perform Cost Analysis
Are all affiliations severed? If all affiliations are severed, then process ends. If all affiliations have not been severed, then determine if any of the following processes may still apply: Travel, Assignment, Development, Sustainment, Benefits, and/or Time and Attendance. Personnel Visibility
Are All Projected Funds Expended? Based on the projected funds, requirements are prioritized for funding. Requirements are identified for funding until all projected funds are expended. HL Manpower - PPBE
Are COL Reports Valid? Are COL reports valid? If the COL reports are valid, then Send Payroll Files for Certification. If the COL reports are not valid, then compute payroll again. Manage Compensation
Are Human Resources being acquired? If Human Resources are being acquired, then all actions associated with recruiting, selecting, assessing, accessing and hiring will begin. If Human Resources are not being acquired then determine if any of the following processes apply: Travel, Assignment, Development, Sustainment, Benefits, and/or Time and Attendance. Personnel Visibility
Are Requirements Within DPG and Number of Positions Allowed? Business Rules: Requirements need to be within Defense Planning Guidance (DPG) and allowed number of positions. If the requirements are within Defense Planning Guidance (DPG) and allowed number of positions then the requirements are prioritized. If the requirements are not with Defense Planning Guidance and allowed number of positions then determine if they are exception requirements. HL Manpower - PPBE
Are the changes authorized? Are the changes authorized? If the changes are authorized, the changes will be made. If the changes are not authorized, the appropriate parties (requester, DoD HRM Individual Customer (e.g., civilian, Member, contractor, dependent)) will be notified that the requested changes will not be made. Maintain Identity Credential
Are the identity credential issuance documents complete? Are the identity credential issuance documents complete? If the identity credential issuance documents are complete, the identity credential specialist will send a request for identification documents to be submitted. If the identity credential issuance documents are not complete, a new request to complete the issuance documents will be issued. Issue Identity Credential
Are There Any Anomalies? Determine if there are any anomalies that need to be documented or analyzed. IGT-IPP Systems View - Part 1
Manage Execution with Treasury
Are there changes between current & proposed structures? If there are significant changes between current and proposed structures then modify the organizational structure. If there are no significant changes between the current and proposed structures then determine if position information is changing. HL Manpower - Manage Organizational Structure
Are transition assistance selections acceptable? Are transition assistance selections acceptable? If transition assistance selections are acceptable, then complete the Coordinate Transition Assistance process. If transition assistance selections are not acceptable, then link back to the Document Transition Assistance Selections process. HL Manage Transition Assistance
Audit Adjustment Required? Decision to review and analyze potential audit adjustments. IGT-IPP Systems View - Part 2
Perform Financial Reporting
Authorized and Complete? Is there enough information to establish the payable as complete and authorized? IGT-IPP Systems View - Part 1
Manage Liabilities
Bill Required? Determine if a bill is required to be sent based on analysis of the billing requirements. IGT-IPP Systems View - Part 1
Manage Receivables
Bonus Repayment Type Bonus Repayment Type Compute Other Bonus Repayment Debt
Can applicant proceed to medical examination? Can applicant proceed to medical examination? If yes, applicant can proceed to medical examination, then medical prescreen process ends. NOTE: Decision for an applicant to proceed to medical examination is based on two reasons; applicant appears to be qualified or applicant is disqualified but the Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS) Chief Medical Officer (CMO) authorized medical examination. If no, applicant cannot proceed to medical examination, then determine if additional information is needed or if the Service is requesting medical examination. Perform Medical Prescreen
Can assignment order be modified? Can assignment order be modified? If the assignment order can be modified, then the process returns to prepare the assignment order. The reasons an order can be modified include an administrative correction or temporary personnel restriction. If the assignment order cannot be modified, then update the assignment profile, notify appropriate parties and return to determine assignment action. The reasons an order cannot be modified could include an adverse action or personnel restriction. HL Manage Assignment
Can career path plan be modified? Can career path plan be modified? If no, then the process ends. If yes, then identify career path requirement. HL Manage Career Path
Can retirement request be modified? Can retirement request be modified? If the retirement request can be modified with administrative changes, then review the retirement request and supporting documentation and make the changes. If the retirement request cannot be modified with administrative changes, then notify the Member of retirement disapproval. Manage Military Personnel Retirement
Capitalized Asset?   Perform Asset Valuation
Change Requirement or Adjustment Created? This gateway evaluates whether a change requirement or adjustment has been created. Perform Instrument Closeout
Check Contract Terms ? Is it required to check the Contract Terms? Dispose or Return Property and Materiel
CIP Action? This gateway determines the proper sequencing path based upon the specific CIP action to be performed. CIP Process
CIP or WIP? CIP or WIP? Create CIP and or WIP Account
Collection Received? Determine if cash has been received to support the implementation of a case in FMS trust fund. Implement Case in Foreign Military Sales Trust Fund
Commitment Update Only? A gateway to determine if an intragovernmental order or agreement has been updated with new commitment. Execute Requisition
Process Requirement
Component PHD Request Complete or Duplicate or PHD Exists in MPHD Warehouse? A determination is made whether the Component PHD request is complete or if the request is missing information, or whether the request from the work unit for PHD is a duplicate request and if the product hazard data which is being requested already exists in the master product hazard data (MPHD) warehouse. Perform PHD Stewardship
Component PHD Request Complete? A determination is made whether the Component PHD request is complete or if the request is missing information, or whether the request from the work unit for PHD is a duplicate request and if the product hazard data which is being requested already exists in the master product hazard data (MPHD) warehouse. Perform PHD Stewardship
Compromise Agreement? Determine if compromise agreement request has been received for the delinquent debt. Manage Delinquent Debt
Condemnation? A gateway to determine whether the inspection passed. Perform Receipt, Acceptance and Return
Continuing Resolution or Ready for Distribution? Is the CRA ready for distribution or continuing resolution? Execute Continuing Resolution
Contract Holdback Required? Review provisions of contract to determine if a contract holdback amount is a requirement for the contract. If required, forward to entitlement process for calculation. If not, establish accounts payable record. IGT-IPP Systems View - Part 1
Manage Liabilities
Contract or Order Type This gateway determines the type of contract or order which will be used to Perform Build Make Maintain process. CIP Process
Perform Build and Make and Maintenance and Sustainment
Contract Solicitation Needed? Upon receipt of an approved sourcing plan, Procurement Change Request or Accepted Purchase Request determination is made for purchases greater than a micropurchase as to the necessity of a contract solicitation. Award Procurement Instrument
Contructed Asset?   Perform Asset Valuation
Coordination with Supplier Required? A gateway to determine if coordination with the supplier is required for Approved Sourcing Plans with Existing Agreements, Accepted Agreements, and Awarded Agreements. Execute Sourcing Strategy
Corrections Required? Determine if corrections are required from the trial balance anomalies. Perform Financial Reporting
CSE_Gateway_1 No description required. Administer the Contract
CSE_Gateway_2 No description required. Perform Inspection and Testing and Verification
CSE_Gateway_3 No description required. Manage Sales and Procurement
CSE_Gateway_4 No description required. Administer the Contract
Currency Conversion Required? Does the payment request require a currency conversion? If so, then convert the payment according to Treasury guidelines. Manage Disbursements
Current Model Satisfies Request? Determine if the current model satisfies the request from the functional area. Define Cost Performance Model
Customer Type? Determine if the customer is a federal customer or not. IGT-IPP Systems View - Part 1
Manage Receivables
Data Available Is the data available for the request or does a new data element need to be created? Define Cost Performance Model
Debt Valid? Is the debt being protested by a customer valid? Manage Delinquent Debt
Decision Type Determine next steps to satisfy requirements for model. Populate Cost Performance Model
Dependents? Dependents? Compute BAH with or without Dependents
Compute COLA with or without Dependents
Compute CONUS COLA with or without Dependents
Compute OHA with or without Dependents
Determine Type of Payment Determine the type of payment - Determine the specific type of payment based on information captured in the Ready to Pay File. Payment type may include a Check Payment, Cash Payment, Electronic Transfer Payment (EFT), Intragovernmental Payment and Collection or a Wire Transfer. IGT-IPP Systems View - Part 1
Manage Disbursements
Did Member exit the delayed entry program (DEP)? Did Member exit the delayed entry program (DEP)? If yes, Member exited DEP (DEP Out), then generate record of emergency data. If no, Member did not exit DEP, then capture applicant fingerprints (e.g., 10 print). For both Guard/Reserve enlistees and Active Duty enlistees entering DEP (DEP In), enlistment will have their 10 print captured, accession agreement generated, and oath taken. The Guard/Reserve enlistees will have to sign their Record of Emergency Data while the Active Duty enlistees entering DEP, will not. Active Duty enlistees will sign their Record of Emergency Data when they exit the DEP. Perform Service Accession
Did the applicant pass the preliminary screening? Did the applicant pass the preliminary screening? If applicant passed the preliminary screening, then capture applicant personal data. If the applicant did not pass preliminary screening, then determine if accession waiver can be obtained. HL Manage Recruiting
Did the Member accept the assignment? Did the Member accept the assignment? If the Member accepted the assignment, then inquire if a travel authorization is required. If the Member did not accept the assignment, the process always returns to Determine Assignment Action. The process may link to Manage Separation and Retirement (if Member is eligible) then return to Determine Assignment Action; or terminate the Manage Assignments Process for the Member (if Member had a bar to re-enlistment notice placed in their file) and return to Determine Assignment Action. HL Manage Assignment
Did Time, Absence, and Labor information need to be adjusted? Did Time, Absence, and Labor information need to be adjusted? If yes, then certify Time, Absence, and Labor information. If no, then the process ends. HL Account for Time, Absence, and Labor
Directly Traceable to Model Element? Are the captured Pro Forma Entries directly traceable to model element. Populate Cost Performance Model
Discrepancies Acceptable ? This gateway evaluates the acceptability of discrepancies found based upon the estimate of corrective actions. Perform Receipt, Acceptance and Return
Discrepancies? A gateway to determine whether there are discrepancies found during the inspection of goods, services or real property. IGT-IPP Systems View - Part 1
Perform Receipt, Acceptance and Return
Discrepancy Report Information Required ? A gateway to determine whether the Discrepancy Report Information is Required. Perform Receipt, Acceptance and Return
Do credentials need to be captured? Do credentials need to be captured? If yes, then capture credentials. If no, then ask if operational duty experience competencies need to be captured. HL Manage Competencies
Do credentials need to be maintained? Do credentials need to be maintained? If yes, then ask if a competency test is required. If no, then ask if operational duty experience competencies need to be maintained. HL Manage Competencies
Do identity credential issuance documents need to be completed? Do identity credential issuance documents need to be completed? If no identity credential issuance documents need to be completed, the identity credential specialist will issue a request for identification documents. If identity credential issuance documents do need to be completed, the identity credential specialist will issue a request for the appropriate documents to be completed. Issue Identity Credential
Do operational duty experience competencies need to be captured? Do operational duty experience competencies need to be captured? If yes, then capture operational duty experience competency. If no, then the process ends. HL Manage Competencies
Do operational duty experience competencies need to be maintained? Do operational duty experience competencies need to be maintained? If yes, then maintain operational duty experience competency. If no, then the process ends. HL Manage Competencies
Does additional disclosure information require medical resolution? Does additional disclosure information require medical resolution? If no, additional disclosure information does not require medical resolution, then notify Service. If yes, additional disclosure information does require medical resolution, then conduct medical disclosure resolution. Perform Service Accession
Does an accession processing request exist? Does an accession processing request exist? If yes, accession processing request does exists, then update existing accession processing request. If no, accession processing request does not exist, then determine accession processing availability. Manage Applicant Processing Scheduling
Does an award certificate need to be issued? Does an award certificate need to be issued? If yes, issue award certificate. If no, update personnel award information. HL Administer Recognition Program
Does another Service Component need to approve the transfer? Does another Service Component need to approve the transfer? If yes, then send an Intra-Service Transfer request. If no, then execute the Intra-Service transfer. HL Administer Intra-Service Transfer
Does another Service need to approve the transfer? Does another Service need to approve the transfer? If yes, then send an Inter-Service transfer request. If no, then execute the Inter-Service transfer. HL Administer Inter-Service Transfer
Does any disqualifying condition exist? Does any disqualifying condition exist? If disqualifying conditions do exist, then the process ends. If no disqualifying conditions exist, then prepare the Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty Form. Manage Military Personnel Retirement
Does applicant meet DoD aptitude standards? Does applicant meet DoD aptitude standards? If yes, applicant does meet DoD aptitude standards, then notify Service applicant does meet aptitude standards. If no, applicant does not meet DoD aptitude standards, then notify Service applicant does not meet aptitude standards. Perform Aptitude Qualification
Does applicant meet medical standards? Does applicant meet medical standards? If yes, applicant meets medical standards, then update applicant profile with medical qualification status. If no, applicant does not meet medical standards, then update applicant profile with does not meet medical standard status. Perform Medical Qualification
Does Asset Record Exist? This Gateway determines which path is taken after the assets counting is performed. Conduct Physical Inventory
Does award order need to be generated? Does award order need to be generated? If yes, prepare award order. If no, then ask does an award certificate need to be issued? HL Administer Recognition Program
Does award require approval? Does award require approval? If yes, then ask is this a reclama submission? If no, then ask does award order need to be generated? HL Administer Recognition Program
Does Change in Deductions Require Notification? Does change in deductions require notification? If change in deductions require notification, then send notification. If change in deductions does not need notification, then continue with the process. Manage Compensation
Does change in earnings require notification? Does change in earnings require notification? If change in earnings require notification, then send notification. If change in earnings does not need notification, then continue with the process. Manage Compensation
Does change request require modification? If change request requires modification, then modify change request as required. If change request does not require modification then submit change request for approval. HL Manpower - Process Manpower Change
Does Compensation Eligibility Need Approval? Does compensation eligibility need approval? If compensation eligibility needs approval, then the eligibility information is forwarded to the approval authority for decision. If compensation eligibility does not need approval, then check if notification is needed to be sent. Manage Compensation
Does Customer Exist in Customer Table? Does the customer already have a record or does a new one have to be created? IGT-IPP Systems View - Part 1
Manage Receivables
Does Member meet active duty tour requirements? Does Member meet active duty tour requirements? If yes, then complete active duty tour processing checklist. If no, then update Member profile with active duty tour information. HL Administer Transfer To and From Active Duty
Does Member want to proceed with retirement? Does Member want to proceed with retirement? If the Member wants to proceed with retirement, then the Member will submit the retirement request and supporting documentation. If the Member does not want to proceed with retirement, then check if this is an involuntary retirement. Manage Military Personnel Retirement
Does Member want to reenlist? Does Member want to reenlist? If Member wants to reenlist, then Member submits a reenlistment request. If Member does not want to reenlist, then document Member's declination and terminate the reenlistment process. HL Administer Reenlistment Process
Does Member want to resubmit retirement request? Does Member want to resubmit retirement request? If Member wants to resubmit retirement request, then submit retirement request and any necessary supporting documentation. If Member does not want to resubmit retirement request, then the process ends. Manage Military Personnel Retirement
Does personal information exist? Does personal information exist? If yes, personal information does exists, then validate accession processing schedule request. If no, personal information does not exist, then notify the sponsoring Service. Manage Applicant Processing Scheduling
Does Proposal Require Change to SFIS, Calendar, Chart of Accounts or Pro Forma? Determine if the proposal requires changes to the SFIS, Calendar, Chart of Accounts or Pro Forma. Manage Financial Management Policy
Does Proposal Require Control Board Approval? Decide if the proposal needs to be sent to the control board for approval or if the policy change can be processed. Manage Financial Management Policy
Does the Buyer Owe Money?   IGT-IPP Systems View - Part 1
Does the Liability Exceed the Receivable? Determines if the receivable can be offset with an outstanding liability. IGT-IPP Systems View - Part 1
Manage Receivables
Does the Member meet retention standards? Does the Member meet retention standards? If yes, then the Member meets basic medical qualifications to continue to serve in a military position or duty and can Return to Duty (RTD). If no, Member records are submitted to the Physical Evaluation Board (PEB) for further review. HL Manage Physical Evaluation Process
Does the Member wish to enroll in the HR RCP? Does the member wish to enroll in the Human Resources (HR) Recovery Coordination Program (RCP)? If yes, then the Assessment process starts. If no, then the RCP ends with a signal event notifying the appropriate parties. HL Manage Human Resources Recovery Coordination Program
Does the RCP Care Plan need to be updated? Does the Recovery Coordination Program (RCP) Care Plan need to be updated? If yes, then update the RCP information. If no, then the process will end. HL Manage Human Resources Recovery Coordination Program
Does the Seller Owe Money?   IGT-IPP Systems View - Part 1
Does this request require the issuance of a new identity credential? Does this request require the issuance of a new identity credential? If this request requires the issuance of a new identity credential, an identity credential service follow-up request will be issued. If this request does not require the issuance of a new identity credential, identity will be verified for identity credential maintenance. HL Manage Identity Credential
Maintain Identity Credential
Does unit structure exist? If unit structure already exists, then determine if the unit structure meets mission requirements. If the unit structure does not exist then create unit structure. HL Manpower - Manage Organizational Structure
Does unit structure meet mission requirements? Determine if the unit structure meets mission requirements. If unit structure does meet mission requirements, then implement unit structure. If the unit structure does not meet mission requirements, then modify unit structure. HL Manpower - Manage Organizational Structure
Elegible for Referred to Treasury? Determines the number of days that a debt is delinquent. Manage Delinquent Debt
Emergency Implementation Approved The DSCA determines if the emergency implementation of the case in Foreign Military Sales Trust Fund is approved. Implement Case in Foreign Military Sales Trust Fund
Environmental Liability Accountability Required? Environmental Liability Accountability Required? Perform ESOH Services
Environmental Liability Information Valid? This is the decision point to determine if the environmental liability information is valid for posting purposes. Manage Liabilities
ESOH Issue?   Perform ESOH Services
Event-based Exclusive Gateway Is always followed by catching events or receive tasks. Sequence flow is routed to the subsequent event/task which happens first. Revoke Identity Credential
Exclusive Gateway When splitting, it routes the sequence flow to exactly one of the outgoing branches. When merging, it awaits one incoming branch to complete before triggering the outgoing flow. Award Procurement Instrument
Compute BAH with or without Dependents
Compute COLA with or without Dependents
Compute CONUS COLA with or without Dependents
Compute OHA with or without Dependents
Create CIP and or WIP Account
Create Initial Asset Record
Define Cost Performance Model
Deliver Property and Forces
Develop Procurement Strategy
Dispose or Return Property and Materiel
Execute Apportionment and Allocate Funds
Execute Requisition
Execute Rescission, Cancellation and Deferrals
Financial Visibility
HL Account for Time, Absence, and Labor
HL Administer Performance Evaluation
HL Administer Physical Fitness Program
HL Administer Recognition Program
HL Administer Reenlistment Process
HL Administer Transfer To and From Active Duty
HL Generate Personnel Grade Change Order
HL Manage Adverse Actions
HL Manage Assignment
HL Manage Benefit Programs
HL Manage Career Path
HL Manage Competencies
HL Manage Education
HL Manage Enlistment Extension
HL Manage Human Resources Information
HL Manage Human Resources Recovery Coordination Program
HL Manage Identity Credential
HL Manage Individual Development Plan
HL Manage Individual Training Course
HL Manage Military Personnel Separation
HL Manage Personnel Casualty
HL Manage Personnel Distribution
HL Manage Personnel Promotion
HL Manage Personnel Security
HL Manage Physical Evaluation Process
HL Manage Quality of Life
HL Manage Recruiting
HL Manpower - Manage Organizational Structure
HL Manpower - PPBE
HL Manpower - Process Manpower Change
IGT-IPP Systems View - Part 1
IGT-IPP Systems View - Part 2
Implement Case in Foreign Military Sales Trust Fund
Issue Identity Credential
Maintain Identity Credential
Manage Accounts Receivable
Manage Applicant Processing Scheduling
Manage Baseline for Reprogramming
Manage Budgetary Resources
Manage Collections
Manage Compensation
Manage Cost
Manage Disbursements
Manage Execution Fund Account
Manage Execution with Treasury
Manage Facility Energy
Manage Facility Energy Conservation
Manage Facility Energy Consumption
Manage Financial Management Policy
Manage Funds Balance with Treasury
Manage General Ledger
Manage Investments
Manage Liabilities
Manage Military Personnel Retirement
Manage Payment
Manage Procurement Entitlement
Manage Receivables
Manage Renewable Energy Production and Purchase
Manage Report of Programs
Perform Accession Shipping
Perform Asset Valuation
Perform Budgeting
Perform Build and Make and Maintenance and Sustainment
Perform Cost Analysis
Perform Financial Reporting
Perform Instrument Closeout
Perform Medical Qualification
Perform PHD Stewardship
Perform Programming
Perform Receipt, Acceptance and Return
Perform Reprogramming and Transfers
Perform Service Accession
Personnel Visibility
Populate Cost Performance Model
Post to General Ledger
Revoke Identity Credential
Support Congressional Budget Review
Track Congressional Actions
Update CIP and or WIP Account
Execute Program Sub-process End A joining gateway that provides a single process flow from three process steps: Control Process Execution, Conduct Other Reporting and Manage Oversight Information. A fourth process step, Manage Earned Value Management Performance Data, optionally may execute, based on initiating information. Execute Program Sub-process
Execute Program Sub-process Start A splitting gateway that always results in the parallel execution of three process steps: Control Process Execution, Conduct Other Reporting and Manage Oversight Information. A fourth process step, Manage Earned Value Management Performance Data, optionally may execute, based on initiating information. Execute Program Sub-process
Exempt from Apportionment? Determine if it is exempt from Apportionment. Execute Apportionment and Allocate Funds
External Model Results Approved? Determine if the original requirements are met. Populate Cost Performance Model
Financial Statements Approved or Certified? Determine if financial statements are either approved or certified; or not approved or not certified. IGT-IPP Systems View - Part 2
Perform Financial Reporting
Firm Fixed Price Contract? A gateway to determine if a final costs after contract completion is confirmed. Execute Contract Closeout
For Prevalidation Request? FBwT: Determine if the generation of the Fund Balance sent is for prevalidation purposes. IGT-IPP Systems View - Part 2
Funds Available? Funds Available? Award Procurement Instrument
Execute Requisition
IGT-IPP Systems View - Part 1
Manage Execution Fund Account
Gateway_1   Award Procurement Instrument
Gateway_11 No description required. Perform Asset Accountability
Gateway_1234   Issue Identity Credential
Gateway_1235   Issue Identity Credential
Gateway_1x   IGT-IPP Systems View - Part 1
Perform Instrument Closeout
Gateway_2 There is no description required. Create Initial Asset Record
Perform ESOH Services
Gateway_3 There is no description required. Develop Sourcing Strategy
Perform ESOH Services
Gateway_4 There is no description required. Develop Sourcing Strategy
Gateway_5 There is no description required. Develop Sourcing Strategy
Gateway_59   IGT-IPP Systems View - Part 2
Gateway_8 No description required. Develop and Update Work Order
Gateway_9   Develop and Update Work Order
Generate Pro Forma Entries? Should pro forma entries be generated for the accounts payable? Manage Liabilities
Goods or Services? A gateway to determine whether the acknowledgement is related to goods or services. IGT-IPP Systems View - Part 1
Perform Receipt, Acceptance and Return
Goods Tendered and Services Rendered for RP? A gateway to determine whether the Evidence of Goods Tendered and Services Rendered are Real Property related. Perform Receipt, Acceptance and Return
Government Source Known? A gateway to determine if the agreement or intragovernmental order will be supported by a government source. Award Procurement Instrument
Execute Requisition
Execute Sourcing Strategy
IGT-IPP Systems View - Part 1
Government Sourcing Vehicle Required? Upon creation of a Logistics order this gateway determines if a government sourcing vehicle is part of the order criteria. Execute Requisition
Has agreement been reached? Has agreement been reached? If yes, then perform head agency review. If no, then conduct negotiation. HL Manage Labor Relations
Has candidate been selected? Has candidate been selected? If yes, hire employee. If no, send notification to appropriate parties. HL Manage Civilian Staff Acquisition
Has Individual Development Plan been accomplished? Has Individual Development Plan been accomplished? If, yes then the process ends. If no, then update Individual Development Plan. HL Manage Individual Development Plan
Has Liability Already Been Accrued? FBwT: Determine if the accrual has already been established and proceed accordingly. IGT-IPP Systems View - Part 1
Has the accession waiver request been approved? Is the accessions waiver request approved? If the accessions waiver is approved, then determine if the request is in response to a disqualification information message. If the accessions waiver if not approved, then formulate applicant mitigation plan. HL Manage Recruiting
Has the Analysis been Approved? Determine whether the analysis done is ready to be published. Perform Cost Analysis
Has the casualty status changed? Has the casualty status changed? If the casualty status has changed, then closeout the previous casualty report and review the new casualty incident.. If the casualty status has not changed, then complete the casualty process. HL Manage Personnel Casualty
Hazardous ? No description required. Update CIP and or WIP Account
How Will Discrepancies Be Handled? If there are discrepancies between the Manpower allocation received and Manpower requirements submitted, the Position Manager can perform one of the following steps; submit a reclama to Budgeting, send the requirements to Programming for reprogramming, or reconcile the discrepancies. HL Manpower - PPBE
Impoundment Act Enacted? Determine if Impoundment Act has been enacted by congress or not. Execute Rescission, Cancellation and Deferrals
Inclusive Gateway When splitting, one or more branches are activated. When merging, it awaits all active incoming branches to complete. Administer Assignment Action
Administer Procurement Instrument
Award Procurement Instrument
Calculate Allowances Earnings
Calculate Basic Pay Earnings
Calculate Debts and Garnishments
Calculate Other Earnings
Compute IRR ING Bonus Repayment Debt
Compute Other Bonus Repayment Debt
Define Cost Performance Model
Deliver Property and Forces
Develop Procurement Strategy
Execute Apportionment and Allocate Funds
Execute Requisition
HL Manage Benefit Programs
HL Manage Human Resources Information
HL Manage Labor Relations
HL Manage Personnel Classification
IGT-IPP Systems View - Part 1
IGT-IPP Systems View - Part 2
Manage Collections
Manage Compensation
Manage Delinquent Debt
Manage Execution with Treasury
Manage Facility Energy
Manage Facility Energy Conservation
Manage Facility Energy Consumption
Manage Investments
Manage Liabilities
Manage Procurement Entitlement
Manage Receivables
Manage Renewable Energy Production and Purchase
Manage Report of Programs
Perform Accession Shipping
Perform Aptitude Qualification
Perform Cost Analysis
Perform Financial Reporting
Perform Instrument Closeout
Perform Medical Qualification
Perform Receipt, Acceptance and Return
Perform Reprogramming and Transfers
Personnel Visibility
Populate Cost Performance Model
Information Complete? Does the receivable request have enough information to identify receivable type? IGT-IPP Systems View - Part 1
Manage Receivables
Installment Agreement? Determine if payment installment request has been received for the delinquent debt. Manage Delinquent Debt
Interfund Transaction? Determine if this is an interfund transaction. IGT-IPP Systems View - Part 1
Manage Receivables
Internal Model Results Approved? An internal review of the model is conducted and to determine if the model meets the original requirements. Populate Cost Performance Model
Intragovernmental Transaction? A gateway to determine if the draft contract or order is for an intragovernmental transaction. Execute Contract
Investment Payment? A gateway to determine whether this is a preparation of a certified invoice investment payment. Manage Procurement Entitlement
Is a competency test required? Is a competency test required? If yes, then send competency testing request. If no, then maintain competency credentials. HL Manage Competencies
Is accession processing schedule request valid? Is accession processing schedule request valid? If yes, accession processing schedule request is valid, then determine if accession processing request exists. If no, accession processing schedule request is not valid, then notify Services. Manage Applicant Processing Scheduling
Is accession shipping requirement information complete? Is the accession shipping requirement information complete? If yes, the accession shipping requirement information is complete, then prepare accession shipping arrangements. If no, the accession shipping requirement information is not complete, then notify the Services. Perform Accession Shipping
Is Additional Analysis Necessary? After notifying the customer that the request cannot be fulfilled is additional analysis required. Perform Cost Analysis
Is additional documentation needed to proceed with revocation? Is additional documentation needed to proceed with revocation? If additional documentation is needed, the identity credential specialist will request the necessary documentation to proceed with the process. If additional documentation is not needed, the identity credential's affiliation with the DoD HRM Individual Customer (e.g., civilian, Member, contractor, dependent) will be terminated. Revoke Identity Credential
Is additional medical information required? Is additional medical information required? If yes, additional medical information is required, then request additional medical information. If no, additional medical information is not required, then determine if applicant meets medical standards. Perform Medical Qualification
Is adjudication needed? Is adjudication needed? If yes, then conduct the adjudication of the personnel security clearance. If no, then end the process. HL Manage Personnel Security
Is Advice of Collection Provided? Is all information to process collection provided with the collection data. IGT-IPP Systems View - Part 1
Manage Collections
Is an Asset?   IGT-IPP Systems View - Part 1
Is An Audit Report Required? Once the financial statement has been approved is an audit report required. IGT-IPP Systems View - Part 2
Perform Financial Reporting
Is An Audit Required? After analyzing the draft period end or on demand financial statement will an audit be required. IGT-IPP Systems View - Part 2
Perform Financial Reporting
Is appeal for promotion approved? Is appeal for promotion approved? If appeal for promotion is approved, then the Personnel Grade Change Specialist will request a special selection board. If appeal for promotion is not approved, then the Personnel Grade Change Specialist will update the Personnel Grade Change Profile information with the promotion results. HL Manage Personnel Promotion
Is applicant eligible to continue accession process? Is applicant eligible to continue accession process? If yes, applicant is eligible to continue accession process, then update applicant profile with eligible to continue accession process. If no, applicant is not eligible to continue accession process, then update applicant profile with not eligible to continue accession process information. Perform Preliminary Screening
Perform Service Accession
Is applicant identification verified? Is applicant identification verified? If yes, applicant identification was verified, then continue with the accession process. If no, applicant identification was not verified, then notify the Services. Perform Accession Shipping
Perform Aptitude Qualification
Perform Medical Qualification
Perform Service Accession
Is applicant information complete? Is applicant information complete? If yes, applicant information is complete, then continue accession process. If no, applicant information is not complete, then request additional applicant information. Perform Aptitude Qualification
Perform Preliminary Screening
Perform Service Accession
Is applied benefit approved? Is applied benefit approved? If yes, then maintain benefit profile information. If no, then process ends. HL Manage Benefit Programs
Is assignment action request approved? Is the assignment action request approved? If the assignment action is approved, then counsel the Member on the assignment action decision. If the assignment action is not approved, then determine the assignment action. HL Manage Assignment
Is assignment approval required? Is assignment approval required? If yes, provide then submit the assignment action request. If no, then restart or end the process as necessary. HL Manage Assignment
Is award order approved? Is award order approved? If yes, distribute award order. If no, the process ends. HL Administer Recognition Program
Is award recommendation request valid? Is award recommendation request valid? If yes, then ask is Member eligible for award? If no, prepare award recommendation request. HL Administer Recognition Program
Is beneficiary eligible for healthcare services? Is beneficiary eligible for healthcare services? If yes, then perform healthcare assessment and plan for care. If no, then end process. HL Manage Access to Healthcare
Is benefit applicant eligible for applied benefit? Is benefit applicant eligible for applied benefit? If yes, then make decision on benefit application. If no, then process ends. HL Manage Benefit Programs
Is benefit application complete? Is benefit application complete? If yes, then determine eligibility for applied benefit. If no, then process ends. HL Manage Benefit Programs
Is career path plan approved? Is career path plan approved? If yes, then send career path requirements to the appropriate parties (e.g., Member, Commander). If no, then end process. HL Manage Career Path
Is Casualty Categorized As Missing? Is Casualty Categorized As Missing? If casualty is categorized as missing, then submit Family Care Completion Report. If casualty is not categorized as missing (i.e., categorized as ill/injured or death), then document casualty assistance program selections. HL Manage Personnel Casualty
Is casualty report approved? Is casualty report approved? If the casualty report is approved, then update the Member's personnel casualty profile with the approved casualty information. If the casualty report is not approved, then submit the report back to resolve the necessary issues. HL Manage Personnel Casualty
Is Collection Identified? This is making a decision as to whether the collection is identified or not. IGT-IPP Systems View - Part 1
Manage Collections
Is commissioning program request approved? Is Commissioning Program Request Approved? If yes, then update Member profile with commissioning program admission decision. If no, then send commissioning program request disapproval notification. HL Administer Transfer between Military Personnel Classes
Is compensation eligibility notification needed? Is notification needed? If notification is needed then send notification. If notification is not needed then continue with the process. Manage Compensation
Is Contract Reporting Required? Upon Award of Procurement or Supplemental Procurement Instrument determination is made for the creation of a contract action report. Award Procurement Instrument
Is Correcting Business Event Required? This is making a determination as to whether it is necessary to generate correcting pro forma entries; or determine that a correcting business event is not required. IGT-IPP Systems View - Part 1
Manage Execution with Treasury
Is correction of military record request approved? Is correction of military record request approved? If correction of military record request is approved, then correct the Member's information. If correction of military record request is disapproved, then notify Member/Requester of correction of military record request disapproval. HL Manage Human Resources Information
Is education enrollment approved? Is education enrollment approved? If yes, then send education enrollment approval notification. If no, then send education enrollment disapproval notification. HL Manage Education
Is enlistment extension approved? Is enlistment extension approved? If enlistment extension is approved, then notify Member of approval and execute enlistment extension agreement. If enlistment extension is disapproved, then notify Member of disapproval and proceed with a possible appeal process. HL Manage Enlistment Extension
Is external resource notification required? Is external resource notification required? If yes, external resource notification is required, then send accession notification. If no, external resource notification is not required, then process ends. Manage Applicant Processing Scheduling
Is family support service coordination required? Is family support service coordination required? If family support service coordination is required, then coordinate family support services. If no family support service coordination is required, then evaluate the family support services. HL Manage Quality of Life
Is funding received equal projected funding? Determine if the projected funding is equal to funding received. If the projected funding is equal to the received funding, then allocate Manpower. If projected funding is not equal to received funding, then determine if reclama should be submitted. HL Manpower - PPBE
Is Further Investigation of Unidentified Collection Warranted? This is making a decision as to whether there is enough information post a business event or reject back to the functional area. IGT-IPP Systems View - Part 1
Manage Collections
Is grievance well-founded? Is grievance well-founded? If yes, then provide grievance resolution. If no, then send unfounded grievance notification. HL Administer Grievance Process
Is identity management service needed? Is identity management service needed? If identity management service is needed, a request for identity management service will be issued. If no identity management service is needed, the identity credential specialist will determine if an existing identity credential must be revoked. Issue Identity Credential
Is individual training course enrollment approved? Is individual training course enrollment approved? If yes, then send individual training course enrollment approval notification. If no, then send Individual course enrollment disapproval notification. HL Manage Individual Training Course
Is in-processing complete? Is in-processing complete? If yes, then the process is complete. If no, then complete the personnel in-processing checklist. HL Manage Assignment
Is involuntary enlistment extension waiver request approved? Is involuntary enlistment extension waiver request approved? If involuntary enlistment extension waiver is approved, then Member is notified of the approval. If involuntary enlistment extension waiver is not approved, then Member is notified of the disapproval. HL Manage Enlistment Extension
Is it a Revenue Generating Event? Determine if the event is revenue generating. IGT-IPP Systems View - Part 1
Manage Receivables
Is Manpower Allocation Received Equal Manpower Requirement Submitted? Determine if Manpower allocation received is equal to Manpower requirement submitted. If it is equal then determine if position information is changing. If it is not equal then determine what action to take with the discrepancies. HL Manpower - PPBE
Is medical examination action required? Is medical examination action required? If yes, medical examination action is required, then conduct medical examination action. If no, medical examination action is not required, then update applicant profile with additional medical information. Perform Medical Qualification
Is Member accepting promotion? Is Member accepting promotion? If the Member accepts the promotion, then send the Promotion Order Requirement. If the Member does not accept the promotion, then End Manage Personnel Promotion Process. HL Manage Personnel Promotion
Is Member appealing enlistment extension decision? Is Member appealing enlistment extension decision? If Member is appealing the enlistment extension disapproval decision, then determine if the evidence is substantial enough to warrant an appeal. If Member is not appealing the enlistment extension disapproval decision, then the business process for enlistment extension ends. HL Manage Enlistment Extension
Is Member appealing promotion decision? Is Member appealing promotion decision? If the Member is appealing the promotion decision, then complete the Administer Promotion Appeal Process. If the Member is not appealing the promotion decision, then End Manage Personnel Promotion Process. HL Manage Personnel Promotion
Is Member appealing reenlistment ineligibility or disapproval? Is Member appealing reenlistment ineligibility or disapproval? If Member is appealing reenlistment decision, then counsel Member on the appeal process and submit an appeal memorandum to Career Approval Authority. If Member is not appealing reenlistment decision, then the reenlistment process is ended. HL Administer Reenlistment Process
Is Member appealing the evaluation outcome? Is Member appealing the evaluation outcome? If the Member is not going to appeal the evaluation outcome, then end the process. If the Member is going to appeal the evaluation outcome, then the Member submits performance evaluation appeal application. NOTE: Appeal is done after the Member's performance report has been submitted to HR and incorporated in the Member's Performance Evaluation Profile. HL Administer Performance Evaluation
Is Member eligible for award? Is Member eligible for award? If yes, then ask does award require approval? If no, the process ends. HL Administer Recognition Program
Is Member eligible for commissioning program? If Member is eligible for commissioning program? If yes, then make decision on commissioning program request. If no, then send commissioning program ineligibility notification to appropriate parties. HL Administer Transfer between Military Personnel Classes
Is Member eligible for enrollment in HR Recovery Coordination Program? Is Member eligible for enrollment in HR Recovery Coordination Program? If no, then the process ends. If yes, then ask if the Member wishes to enroll in the Human Resources (HR) Recovery Coordination Program (RCP). HL Manage Human Resources Recovery Coordination Program
Is Member eligible to reenlist? Is Member eligible to reenlist? If no, then update member profile with reenlistment information. If yes, then does Member want to reenlist? HL Administer Reenlistment Process
Is Member eligible to retire? Is Member eligible to retire? If the Member is eligible for retirement, then notify Member/Submitter of retirement eligibility. If the Member is ineligible for retirement, then check if this is a voluntary retirement. Manage Military Personnel Retirement
Is Member eligible to separate? Is Member eligible to separate? If Member is eligible to separate, then send Concurrence. If Member is not eligible to separate, then send Nonconcurrence. HL Manage Military Personnel Separation
Is Member eligible to ship to assignment? Is Member eligible to ship to assignment? If yes, Member is eligible to ship to assignment, then coordinate accession meal entitlement. If no, Member is not eligible to ship to assignment, then send accession notification to appropriate parties. Perform Accession Shipping
Is Member Fit for Duty? Is Member fit for duty? If yes, then return to duty. If no, then end the process. HL Manage Physical Evaluation Process
Is Member found in Line of Duty? Is Member found in Line of Duty (LoD)? If yes, then end LoD determination process. If no, then provide LoD appeal process counseling? HL Manage Line of Duty Determination Process
Is Member submitting an involuntary enlistment extension waiver request? Is Member submitting an involuntary enlistment extension waiver request? If Member is submitting an involuntary enlistment extension waiver request, then waiver request is processed. If Member is not submitting a waiver request, then the process for enlistment extension ends. HL Manage Enlistment Extension
Is Member/Employee eligible for selected benefit? Is Member/Employee eligible for selected benefit? If yes, then complete benefit selection. If no, then process ends. HL Manage Benefit Programs
Is Negotiation of the Change Request Required? Following the initiation of a Procurement Change Request determination is made as to whether negotiations to the terms of the contract are required. Administer Procurement Instrument
Conduct Physical Inventory
Create Initial Asset Record
Develop Sourcing Strategy
Dispose or Return Property and Materiel
IGT-IPP Systems View - Part 1
Perform ESOH Services
Perform Instrument Closeout
Is Officer submitting a waiver? Is Officer submitting a waiver? If yes, then Officer Submit Involuntary Officer Retention Waiver Request. If no, then end Officer Involuntary Retention Process HL Manage Officer Involuntary Retention
Is out-processing complete? Is out-processing complete? If yes, then perform personnel in-processing. If no, then complete the out-processing checklist. HL Manage Assignment
Is personnel grade change order approved? Is personnel grade change order approved? If yes, then execute personnel grade change order. If no, then personnel grade order disapproval notification. HL Generate Personnel Grade Change Order
HL Manage Personnel Demotion
HL Manage Personnel Promotion
Is personnel grade change order complete? Is personnel grade change order complete? If yes, then provide personnel grade change order decision. If no, then prepare personnel grade change order. HL Generate Personnel Grade Change Order
Is Personnel Requirement Request approved? Is Personnel Requirement Request approved? If yes, then end. If no, then coordinate personnel distribution plan implementation. HL Manage Personnel Distribution
Is physical fitness program approved? Is physical fitness program approved? If yes, then the process ends. If no, then develop the physical fitness program. HL Administer Physical Fitness Program
Is position information changing? Determine if position data is impacted by manpower allocation received, changes to organizational structure, or manpower change. If position information is changing, then maintain position data. If position information is not changing, then update Manpower document with Manpower allocation information, changes to organizational structure, or manpower change information. HL Manpower - Manage Organizational Structure
HL Manpower - PPBE
Is promotion approved? Is promotion approved? If the promotion has been approved, then determine if the Member will accept the promotion. If the promotion has not been approved, determine if the member will appeal the promotion decision. HL Manage Personnel Promotion
Is reenlistment approved? Is reenlistment approved? If yes, then execute reenlistment agreement. If no, then is Member appealing reenlistment ineligibility or disapproval? HL Administer Reenlistment Process
Is reimbursement approved? Is reimbursement approved? If yes, then execute reimbursement. If no, then process ends with the Reimbursement Disapproval Notification. HL Manage Reimbursements
Is request for human resources information approved? Is request for human resources information approved? If yes, then distribute human resources information, and if no, then the process ends. HL Manage Human Resources Information
Is request for human resources information valid? Is request for human resources information valid? If yes, then provide decision on human resources information request, and if no, then the process ends. HL Manage Human Resources Information
Is retirement checklist complete? Are retirement checklists complete? If the retirement checklists are complete, then check if any disqualifying conditions exist. If the retirement checklists are incomplete, then the Member will complete the retirement checklists (e.g., Preseparation Counseling Checklist, out-processing checklists). Manage Military Personnel Retirement
Is retirement order approved? Is retirement order approved? If the retirement order is approved, then send a notification of the retirement order approval. If the retirement order is disapproved, then send a notification of the retirement order disapproval. Manage Military Personnel Retirement
Is retirement request approved? Is retirement request approved? If the retirement request is approved, then notify the Member of the retirement approval. If the retirement request is disapproved, then check if retirement request be modified. Manage Military Personnel Retirement
Is retirement request complete? Is retirement request complete? If the retirement request is complete, then review the retirement request for approval. If the retirement request is incomplete, then resubmit the retirement request and supporting documentation. Manage Military Personnel Retirement
Is Risk Management Plan approved? Is Risk Management Plan approved? If yes, then coordinate risk management plan. If no, then send Risk Management Plan disapproval notification to appropriate parties. HL Perform Personnel Readiness Assessment
Is separation approved? Is separation approved? If separation is approved, then generate separation order requirement. If separation is not approved, then notify appropriate parties of separation disapproval. HL Manage Military Personnel Separation
Is separation checklist complete? Is separation checklist complete? If yes, then execute separation. If no, then complete separation checklist. HL Manage Military Personnel Separation
Is separation order approved? Is separation order approved? If the separation order is approved, then notify the appropriate parties of the separation order approval. If the separation order is disapproved, then check if separation order can be modified. HL Manage Military Personnel Separation
Is special category retention bonus approved? Is special category retention bonus approved? If yes, then update profile with special category retention bonus information. If no, then end process. HL Manage Special Category Retention
Is supplemental ad hoc reporting information required? A splitting gateway that bases process flow on resultant information from the Determine Detailed Information Needs. There are three possible continuation flows: (1) supplemental information is required from an external source, (2) supplemental information is required from Execute Program process step or (3) no information is required. Manage Ad Hoc Reporting
Is supplemental periodic reporting information required? A splitting gateway that bases process flow on resultant information from the Conduct Oversight Analysis process step. There are three possible continuation flows: (1) supplemental information is required from an external source, (2) supplemental information is required from Manage Oversight Information process step or (3) no information is required. Manage Periodic Reporting
Is the allegation valid? Is the allegation valid? If yes, then determine the necessary disciplinary action. If no, then document the adverse action results. HL Manage Adverse Actions
Is the Appeal valid? Is the appeal valid? If yes, then provide physical evaluation disposition. If no, then end the process. HL Manage Physical Evaluation Process
Is the Asset Data Element Complete? The determination that the data elements for an asset are complete or incomplete. Create Initial Asset Record
Is the Asset Real Property? This gateway determines the path taken after determining if the property is real or non-real. Create Initial Asset Record
Is the assignment order approved? Is the assignment order approved? If the assignment order is approved, then update the assignment profile information. If the assignment order is not approved, then inquire if the assignment order can be modified. HL Manage Assignment
Is the award decision acceptable? Is the award decision acceptable? If yes, the process ends. If no, prepare award recommendation request. HL Administer Recognition Program
Is the change request approved? If change request is approved then implement change request. If change request is not approved then notify organizations of disapproval. HL Manpower - Process Manpower Change
Is the identity credential eligible to be issued? Is the identity credential eligible to be issued? If the identity credential is eligible to be issued, the identity credential specialist will determine personnel identity information management service. If the identity credential is not eligible to be issued, the appropriate parties (e.g., requester, DoD HRM Individual Customer (e.g., civilian, Member, contractor, dependent)) will be notified that the identity credential will not be issued. HL Manage Identity Credential
Issue Identity Credential
Is the identity valid? Is the identity valid? If the identity is valid, eligibility for an identity credential will be verified. If the identity is not valid, the appropriate parties will be notified that the identity credential will not be issued. Issue Identity Credential
Is the identity verified? Is the identity verified? If the identity is verified, then the authorization to make changes will be verified. If the identity is not verified, the appropriate parties (requesters, DoD HRM Individual Customer (e.g., civilian, Member, contractor, dependent)) will be notified that the requested changes will not be made. Maintain Identity Credential
Is the Inter-Service transfer approved? Is the Inter-Service transfer approved? If yes, then ask does another Service need to approve the request. If no, then send an Inter-Service transfer disapproval notification to the appropriate parties. HL Administer Inter-Service Transfer
Is the Intragovernmental Order Accepted? A gateway to determine if the intragovernmental order is accepted or rejected. Award Procurement Instrument
IGT-IPP Systems View - Part 1
Is the Intra-Service transfer approved? Is the Intra-Service transfer approved? If yes, then ask does another Service Component need to approve the request. If no, then send an Intra-Service transfer disapproval notification to the appropriate parties. HL Administer Intra-Service Transfer
Is the leave accounting information accurate? Is the leave accounting information accurate? If the leave accounting information is accurate, determine special leave accrual eligibility. If the leave accounting information is not correct, end the process. HL Perform Leave Administration
Is the Member considered to be a casualty? Is the Member considered to be a casualty? If the Member is considered to be a casualty, then send notification of possible casualty. If the Member is not considered to be a casualty, then provide an unauthorized absence categorization recommendation. HL Perform Absence Administration
Is the Member eligible for organization controlled absence Is the Member eligible for organization controlled absence? If the Member is eligible for an organization controlled absence, provide a decision on the organization controlled absence request. If the Member is not eligible for the organization controlled absence, send an organization controlled absence ineligibility notification to the appropriate parties. HL Perform Absence Administration
Is the requester eligible for transition assistance? Is the requester eligible for transition assistance? If the requester is eligible for transition assistance, then complete the Document Transition Assistance Selections process. If the requester is not eligible then end the Manage Transition Assistance process. HL Manage Transition Assistance
Is the requirement an exception? Business Rules: If requirement is not within Defense Planning Guidance and/or allowed number of positions then it should be an exception, like overseas requirements or DHP requirements. If the requirements are exceptions then prioritize manpower requirements. If requirements are not exceptions then the requirements are thrown out. HL Manpower - PPBE
Is the Service requesting medical examination? Is the Service requesting medical examination? If yes, the Service is requesting medical examination, then the medical prescreen process ends. If no, the Service is not requesting medical examination, the accession process terminates. Perform Medical Prescreen
Is there a major mission type change? Determine if there is a major mission type change. If there is a major mission type change, then determine organizational structure to support mission change. If there is not a major mission type change, then determine if there are changes between current and proposed structures. HL Manpower - Manage Organizational Structure
Is there additional disclosure information? Is there additional disclosure information? If yes, there is additional disclosure information, then conduct additional disclosure resolution. If no, there is no additional disclosure information, then continue accession process. Perform Service Accession
Is there an Existing Forecast? Determine if there is an existing forecast for future projections of DoD-wide enterprise requirements for goods and services. Perform Cost Analysis
Is there an existing OUID? Is there an existing Organization Unique Identifier (OUID)? If there is an existing OUID, then notify the requestor that the OUID exists. If there is not an existing OUID, then identify data and relationships. HL Manpower - Administer OUID
Is there an Offset? Determine if a request for offset has been received to adjust the delinquent debt balance. Manage Delinquent Debt
Is this a O2C Fulfill Order execution?   Deliver Property and Forces
Is this a O2C Fulfill Order or Perform Distribution execution?   Deliver Property and Forces
Is this a Pre Payment? Determine whether the disbursement is a prepayment based on the terms and agreement of a contract. If this is a prepayment, generate the appropriate general ledger entries. IGT-IPP Systems View - Part 1
Manage Disbursements
Is this a reclama submission? Is this a reclama submission? If yes, prepare award reclama decision. If no, make decision on award. HL Administer Recognition Program
Is this a requested payment? Is this a requested payment? If this is a request payment (i.e., advance, casual, and partial) then wait until the scheduled payroll run. If this is not a requested payment, then continue with the process. Manage Compensation
Is this a selected benefit? Is this a selected benefit? If yes, then determine eligibility for selected benefit. If no, then verify completeness of benefit application. HL Manage Benefit Programs
Is this a valid change request? Determine if a valid change request has been submitted. If the change request is valid, then coordinate change request with organizations. If the change request is not valid, then notify organization of invalid change request. HL Manpower - Process Manpower Change
Is this a voluntary retirement? Is this a voluntary retirement? If this is a voluntary retirement, then notify Member/Submitter of retirement ineligibility results or retirement process ends if Member does not want to proceed with retirement. If this is not a voluntary retirement, then link to separation process if Member is ineligible to retire or link to separation process if Member does not want to proceed with retirement. Manage Military Personnel Retirement
Is this an Intragovernmental Order? A gateway to determine whether order is Intragovernmental Order or Commercial Contract. Perform Instrument Closeout
Is this an O2C Perform Distribution execution?   Deliver Property and Forces
Is this Complete and Certified? Is the general ledger account balance complete and certified? IGT-IPP Systems View - Part 1
Manage Execution with Treasury
Is this establishing a unit? Determine if there is a need to establish a unit. If there is a need to establish a unit, then determine if a pre-existing unit structure can be used. If this is not establishing a unit, then determine what changes are being made to the existing organization. HL Manpower - Manage Organizational Structure
Is this in response to a Disqualification Information message? Is this in response to a Disqualification Information Message? If the response is for a Disqualification Information Message, then send the Disqualification Information Response. If the response is not for a Disqualification Information Message, then continue with the process. HL Manage Recruiting
Is Time, Absence, and Labor information correct? Is Time, Absence, and Labor information correct? If Time, Absence, and Labor information is correct, then send a Time, Absence, and Labor notification or certify Time, Absence, and Labor information. If Time, Absence, and Labor information is incorrect then correct Time, Absence, and Labor information. HL Account for Time, Absence, and Labor
Is Unidentified Collection Resolved? Has enough information been provided to identify a collection. IGT-IPP Systems View - Part 1
Manage Collections
Is Variance Acceptable? This gateway determines the path taken after the Review Asset Inventory Count Variance process. Conduct Physical Inventory
Is voluntary resignation request approved? Is voluntary resignation request approved? If yes, then update Member profile with voluntary resignation approval. If no, then send voluntary resignation request disapproval notification. HL Administer Transfer between Military Personnel Classes
Is Work Complete? Determines if the work is complete. IGT-IPP Systems View - Part 1
Manage Receivables
Is workforce analysis request complete? Is workforce analysis request complete? If yes, then provide workforce analysis information. If no, then request additional information. HL Perform Workforce Analysis
Joint Chiefs of Staff Feedback Required? Determine if Joint Chiefs of Staff feedback is required. Perform Programming
Land Purchase or Withdrawal of Public Domain Land? A gateway to determine the appropriate type of land acquisition. Perform Receipt, Acceptance and Return
Land Withdrawal or Construction R&M or Space Assignment or Reversion? A gateway to determine the appropriate type of land disposition. Perform Receipt, Acceptance and Return
Master Sourcing Procurement? For example, IDIQ contracts, master agreements and Blanket Purchase Agreements. Perform Instrument Closeout
Match Failed? This gateway determines if the submitted payment request correctly matched the invoice type. (two way or three way). Manage Procurement Entitlement
Materiel Only? A gateway to determine the type of cargo being transported either materiel or personnel Deliver Property and Forces
IGT-IPP Systems View - Part 1
Medical Examination Action Medical Examination Action Perform Medical Qualification
Micropurchase? A gateway to determine whether the requirement is a micropurchase (purchases under $2,500) or a purchase over $2,500. Award Procurement Instrument
Model Approved? Determination based on collaboration with the customer to determine if the cost performance model adequately addresses the customer's requirements. Define Cost Performance Model
Modification or Change Requirement? Is there any change such as Modification or Change Requirement? Administer Procurement Instrument
IGT-IPP Systems View - Part 1
Perform Instrument Closeout
Modification Required? Determine if modification to the Draft Period End or On Demand Financial Statement. This decision determines if the modification is for the narrative and/or footnote information or other financial statement level adjustments. IGT-IPP Systems View - Part 2
Perform Financial Reporting
Monitor Commitment Once the commitment request has been sent, this gateway monitors the commitment status to determine the identification of insufficient funds or the receipt of a commitment. Deliver Property and Forces
Monitor Payment Sequence flow is routed to the subsequent event/task which happens first; involves the notification of the vendor, or other party owed by the Government, contract administrator, and accounting functions of any payments made to include the final payment, the cancellation of any payments sent for disbursement, requests for refunds, and re-disbursement or re-calculation of payments returned or rejected by the payee. Manage Procurement Entitlement
MV_Gateway_3 A gateway to determine the destination of each specific message flow as dictated by disposal type (organic or contract). Disposal Metrics Information is always transmitted to capture pertinent performance data independent of disposal type. Dispose or Return Property and Materiel
Narrative and or Footnote Required? Decision point in determining if narrative and/or footnote are required as part of the financial statements. IGT-IPP Systems View - Part 2
Perform Financial Reporting
Need Exists for Unsolicited Product Information? Or Need Does Not Exist? The determination is made whether there is a need within the DoD for the unsolicited product hazard information which has been received from a source (eg. manufacturer, supplier or vendor) and if the unsolicited product information already exists in the master product hazard data (MPHD) warehouse. Perform PHD Stewardship
New Agreement Needed? This gateway evaluates whether a new agreement is needed. Award Procurement Instrument
IGT-IPP Systems View - Part 1
New Data Element Available? Does the new data element that is needed to satisfy the customer's request exist or not? Define Cost Performance Model
Occupation Classification Action Approved? If occupation classification action is approved, then maintain and/or create occupation classification. If occupation classification action is not approved, then process ends with the sending of the occupation classification disapproval message. HL Manage Personnel Classification
On-Year or Off-Year? Determine if the Budget Estimates Submissions are for the On-year or Off-year budget years. Perform Budgeting
Perform Programming
Parallel Gateway When used to split, the sequence flow, all outgoing branches are activated simultaneously. When merging parallel branches it waits for all incoming branches to complete before triggering the outgoing flow. Administer Procurement Instrument
Award Procurement Instrument
Define Cost Performance Model
Deliver Property and Forces
Develop Procurement Strategy
Execute Apportionment and Allocate Funds
Execute Continuing Resolution
Execute Rescission, Cancellation and Deferrals
Financial Visibility
HL Administer Recognition Program
HL Manage Assignment
HL Manage Civilian Staff Acquisition
HL Manage Human Resources Recovery Coordination Program
HL Manage Personnel Casualty
IGT-IPP Systems View - Part 1
IGT-IPP Systems View - Part 2
Implement Case in Foreign Military Sales Trust Fund
Manage Applicant Processing Scheduling
Manage Baseline for Reprogramming
Manage Budgetary Resources
Manage Collections
Manage Compensation
Manage Cost
Manage Delinquent Debt
Manage Disbursements
Manage Execution Fund Account
Manage Execution with Treasury
Manage Facility Energy Conservation
Manage Financial Management Policy
Manage Funds Balance with Treasury
Manage Investments
Manage Liabilities
Manage Military Personnel Retirement
Manage Procurement Entitlement
Manage Receivables
Manage Renewable Energy Production and Purchase
Manage Report of Programs
Perform Accession Shipping
Perform Asset Valuation
Perform Budgeting
Perform Cost Analysis
Perform Financial Reporting
Perform Instrument Closeout
Perform Medical Prescreen
Perform Medical Qualification
Perform Preliminary Screening
Perform Programming
Perform Receipt, Acceptance and Return
Perform Reprogramming and Transfers
Personnel Visibility
Populate Cost Performance Model
Post to General Ledger
Support Congressional Budget Review
Track Congressional Actions
Pay Type Pay Type Manage Compensation
Payment Received? If the debt is valid and the debtor agreed, determine if payment has been received to liquidate the associated penalties and principal. Manage Delinquent Debt
Payment Status Determine which of the following routes to use: 1 - was the payment not already disbursed 2 - was a check not printed 3 - was the check not mailed 4 - was the payment already disbursed 5 - was the check mailed IGT-IPP Systems View - Part 1
Manage Disbursements
Performance Accountability Report Required? Decision point in determining if the Performance Accountability Report is required as part of the financial statements. IGT-IPP Systems View - Part 2
Perform Financial Reporting
Periodic Reporting Information Available A joining gateway that continues the Periodic Reporting process after requested additional information is received. The periodic reporting process continues based upon the completion of all of the flows taken out of the "Is supplemental periodic reporting information required?" splitting gateway, indicating that all of the necessary periodic reporting information is available. Manage Periodic Reporting
PHD Complete? The determination is made whether the product hazard data (PHD) complies with DoD requirements, and as applicable, whether it meets the needs of the Component PHD request. Perform PHD Stewardship
PHD is Deficient and Known/Derived? Or PHD Not Deficient? Or, PHD Deficient? The determination is made whether product hazard data (PHD) that exists in the master product hazard data (MPHD) warehouse contains incomplete or inaccurate information and if the needed information can be derived from existing data. Perform PHD Stewardship
PHD Provided and Ready for Validation? Or PHD Not Provided? The determination is made whether the Component product hazard data (PHD) request also contains PHD, for example, a Material Safety Data Sheet for a locally purchased product, to be entered into the master product hazard data (MPHD) warehouse. Perform PHD Stewardship
PHD Source Available? The determination is made whether there is a source (eg. manufacturer, supplier or vendor) for the required product hazard data (PHD). Perform PHD Stewardship
Prior Period Adjustments Required? Determine if prior period adjustments are required. Post to General Ledger
Program Decision Necessary ? Is Program Decision necessary ? Dispose or Return Property and Materiel
Project Status? Project Status? Perform Build and Make and Maintenance and Sustainment
Purchase Card Entitlement? Gateway to route sequence flow to purchase card pathway or Procurement Instrument pathway. Manage Procurement Entitlement
Purchase Card Payment? Gateway to route sequence flow to either pay a Procurement Instrument with a purchase card or to continue the Procurement Instrument payment path. Manage Procurement Entitlement
Purchase Request Acceptable? This gateway evaluates the results of the Receive and Review Purchase Request process to determine if the purchase request is acceptable or will be rejected. Receive and Accept Purchase Request
Pursue Alternate Means to Obtain PHD? The determination is made whether further actions will be taken to pursue the product hazard data (PHD) which was not provided by the source ( eg. manufacturer, supplier or vendor). Perform PHD Stewardship
Real Property Acceptance Method Document Type? This gateway determines the appropriate sequencing path based upon the type of real property acceptance instrument. Perform Receipt, Acceptance and Return
Real Property Disposal Requirement ?   Develop Sourcing Strategy
Real Property for Acknowledge Goods Tendered and Services Rendered? A gateway to determine if Evidence of Goods Tendered and Services Rendered will be processed by Real Property. Acknowledge Goods Tendered and Services Rendered
Real Property for Finalizing Acceptance? A gateway to determine if Acceptance Results will be processed by Real Property. Finalize Acceptance
Real Property for Perform Acceptance Procedures? A gateway to determine if Acceptable Discrepancies and Inspected Goods and Services Evidence with no Discrepancies will be processed by Real Property. Perform Acceptance Procedures
Real Property for Perform Inspection and Testing and Verification? A gateway to determine if Goods and Services Acknowledgement will be processed by Real Property. Perform Inspection and Testing and Verification
Realignment Request Determine the type of realignment request. Perform Reprogramming and Transfers
Re-Apportionment or Rescission? Is this a re-apportionment or rescission? Manage Budgetary Resources
Reason for Non Approval Determine if the reason for non-approval is due to pro form entry requiring correction or the cost performance requires update. Perform Cost Analysis
Reason why Applicant cannot continue processing Reason why Applicant cannot continue processing: Additional medical information is needed, then request additional medical information. Applicant does not meet medical standards (permanent), then the Service may request medical examination. Applicant does not meet medical standards (temporary), then process will continue after the medical condition resolves itself. Perform Medical Prescreen
Rebaseline Required? Determine if a report is an update to the baseline report. Manage Baseline for Reprogramming
Receivables Offset Payables? Determine if the receivable offsets the payable. Manage Liabilities
Reenlistment? Reenlistment? If this is a reenlistment, then calculate the IRR/ING reenlistment bonus repayment amount. If this is a prior Service, then calculate the IRR/ING prior Service enlistment bonus repayment amount. Compute IRR ING Bonus Repayment Debt
Reimbursable Authority Exceeded? This gateway evaluates whether reimbursable authority has been exceeded. Award Procurement Instrument
IGT-IPP Systems View - Part 1
Reimbursable Authority Increased?   IGT-IPP Systems View - Part 1
Re-issue Program Budget Decision? Determine if program budget decision needs to be re-issued as a result of topline passback negotiation between OMB and DoD. Perform Budgeting
Release Draft Request for Proposal to Public for Comments? This gateway determines if the Draft Request for Proposal will be released to the public for comments. Award Procurement Instrument
Remedial Action Plan Accepted? Does the Remedial Action Plan that was developed meet the customer's original requirement? Define Cost Performance Model
Request for Proposal Approved? A gateway to determine whether the Request for Proposal is approved after review by the Contracting Officer and ready for release. Award Procurement Instrument
Request with Contract or Order ?   Develop Sourcing Strategy
Requested PHD Made Available? Or PHD Not Made Available? The determination is made whether the requested product hazard data (PHD) that is being reviewed already exists in the master product hazard data (MPHD) warehouse. Perform PHD Stewardship
Requirement Change Needed? Upon completion of Sourcing Research processes, results will determine if a requirement change from sourcing is needed. Develop Procurement Strategy
Execute Requisition
Requires Congressional Action? Determine if congressional action is required for the cancellation, rescission, or deferrals of budgetary resources. Execute Rescission, Cancellation and Deferrals
Response Type Response Type Perform Medical Qualification
Return or Disposal Request Approved? Return or Disposal Request Approved? Dispose or Return Property and Materiel
Revisit Request? Determine if the request should be revisited or if it should be approved. Perform Cost Analysis
RPA_Event_Based_Gateway No description required. CIP Process
RPA-MV_Gateway_1 No description required. Asset Accountability
RPA-MV_Gateway_2   Perform Physical Asset Accountability
Scheduled Return or Disposal? Scheduled Return or Disposal decision. Dispose or Return Property and Materiel
Scope Changed? A decision as to whether the type and/or amount of work required to address an environmental liability has changed. Perform ESOH Services
Separate or Terminate? Separate or Terminate individual? Personnel Visibility
Should A Reclama Be Submitted? Submit Reclama to Financial Management if reclama should be submitted. If reclama does not need to be submitted then adjust Manpower requirements based on priorities. HL Manpower - PPBE
Should the identity credential be revoked? Should the identity credential be revoked? If the identity credential should be revoked, the identity credential's affiliation with the holder will be terminated. If the identity credential should not be revoked, the appropriate parties (e.g., requester, DoD HRM Individual Customer (e.g., civilian, Member, contractor, dependent)) will be notified that the identity credential will not be revoked. Revoke Identity Credential
Simplified Acquisition? This gateway determines whether the simplified acquisition closeout path is taken. Perform Instrument Closeout
Single or Multi Source? A gateway to determine a sourcing plan will go through negotiation process with a single source. Award Procurement Instrument
Solicitation Needed? A gateway to determine if a solicitation is required based on the sourcing plan. Develop Sourcing Strategy
Solution Needed? A decision as to whether action is required to address an environmental liability. Perform ESOH Services
Sourcing Needed? This gateway determines the path for card sourcing based on whether a source was previously determined. Award Procurement Instrument
Sourcing Research Required? This gateway determines whether an accepted purchase request contains criteria which makes it eligible for sourcing research processes including market research, forecast demand, analyze spend or search agreements. Develop Procurement Strategy
Specific Rescission Determine if the rescission is specific or non-specific. Execute Rescission, Cancellation and Deferrals
Terminate Program Decision The Execute Program process completes with one of three mutually exclusive results: (1) the result of the DDR is to terminate the program, (2) the result of the Milestone C decision is to terminate the program, or (3) the Manage Low-rate Initial Production process step completes. Execute Program
Title Clear? A gateway to determine whether the title is clear. Perform Receipt, Acceptance and Return
Title Cleared by Legal ? The gateway evaluates the Title legitimacy received from Legal. Perform Receipt, Acceptance and Return
Type of Action The type of action required after the Comptroller reviews Congressional enactments of deferrals and rescissions. Execute Rescission, Cancellation and Deferrals
Manage Financial Management Policy
Type of Collection This Gateway receives Pro Forma Entries and routes the information to the appropriate process based on the type of entry. IGT-IPP Systems View - Part 1
Manage Collections
Type of Collection Information Received Determine the type of collection information that has been received. IGT-IPP Systems View - Part 1
Manage Collections
Type of Collection Receipt Determine if the collection is reimbursable, receipt or a refund collection. IGT-IPP Systems View - Part 1
Manage Collections
Type of Confirmation DRAFT: Is the Treasury data a collection or disbursement confirmation? IGT-IPP Systems View - Part 1
Manage Execution with Treasury
Type of Financial Report Determine type of financial statement or report. IGT-IPP Systems View - Part 2
Perform Financial Reporting
Type of Reconciliation Is the reconciliation: 1 - a disbursement 2 - a deposit 3 - an undisbursed expenditure 4 - a receipt IGT-IPP Systems View - Part 1
Manage Execution with Treasury
Type of Report Determine type of financial report. IGT-IPP Systems View - Part 2
Perform Financial Reporting
Unapplied Collection Remains? Determine if payments are greater than the outstanding delinquent debt. Manage Delinquent Debt
Update or Maintain Balance? Determine if there is a balance for the accounts payable and if it has to be updated or maintained. IGT-IPP Systems View - Part 1
Manage Liabilities
Upward or Downward Adjustment Required? Is an upward or downward pro form entry adjustment required? IGT-IPP Systems View - Part 1
Manage Disbursements
Usably Complete? A gateway to determine whether an inspected good or service is capable of being accepted in its current state or if an update to the contract is necessary. Receive Goods and Services
Valid Ready to Pay File? Determine if the Ready to Pay file is ready. IGT-IPP Systems View - Part 1
Manage Disbursements
Valid Request? Determine if the request for billing is valid. IGT-IPP Systems View - Part 1
Manage Receivables
Valid? Is the cancel payment request a valid document? IGT-IPP Systems View - Part 1
Manage Disbursements
Was additional revocation documentation obtained? Was additional revocation documentation obtained? If additional revocation documentation was obtained, review to ensure its validity. If no additional revocation documentation was obtained, notify the appropriate parties the the identity credential will not be revoked. Revoke Identity Credential
Was derogatory information discovered? Was derogatory information discovered? If yes, then suspend the security clearance. If no, then the process will end. HL Manage Personnel Security
Was the clearance outcome unfavorable? Was the clearance outcome unfavorable? If yes, then conduct the unfavorable personnel security clearance determination appeals process as necessary. If no, then the process will end. HL Manage Personnel Security
Was the determination reversed? Was the determination reversed? If yes, then conduct personnel security adjudication. If no, then enforce the unfavorable personnel security clearance determination. HL Manage Personnel Security
Was the performance evaluation revised? Was the performance evaluation revised? If yes, then update the Member's record with the performance evaluation appeals information. If no, then end the process. HL Administer Performance Evaluation
Was there an overpayment? FBwT: TBD IGT-IPP Systems View - Part 1
Were identification documents obtained? Were identification documents obtained? If identification documents were not obtained, the process will end. If identification documents were obtained, the documents will be reviewed. Issue Identity Credential
Were identity credential issuance documents obtained? Were identity credential issuance documents obtained? If identity credential issuance documents were obtained, the identity credential specialist will validate their completeness. If identity credential issuance documents were not obtained, the process will end. Issue Identity Credential
Were sufficient identification documents presented? Were sufficient identification documents presented? If sufficient documents were presented, the appropriate party's (e.g., requester, DoD HRM Individual Customer (e.g., Member, contractor, dependent)) identity will be verified. If sufficient documents were not presented (e.g., too few, wrong type), the identity documentation requirements will be explained to appropriate parties again. Issue Identity Credential
What changes are being made to the existing organization? Determine what changes are being made to the existing organization. Both a reorganization or an update to a unit may occur. HL Manpower - Manage Organizational Structure
What Type of Adjustment? Determine if the adjustment needed is either the narrative and or footnote adjustment or the financial statement level adjustment. IGT-IPP Systems View - Part 2
Perform Financial Reporting
What type of credential request is this? What type of credential request is this? If the request is to issue identity credential, then determine if the Member is eligible to receive. If the service request is to maintain identity credential, then complete the Maintain Identity Credential Process. If the service request is to revoke identity credential, then complete the Revoke Identity Credential Process. HL Manage Identity Credential
What Type of Matching is Required? Determine appropriate matching type for the payment request based upon contractual and statutory stipulations. It is assumed that the payment request is properly formatted and complete. Manage Procurement Entitlement
What was the DRR Decision? A splitting gateway that continues the process flow based on information from the Review Design Readiness process step. There are three mutually-exclusive process flows: (1) Rework is required and the flow returns to Manage System Integration, (2) Approved and the flow continues to Manage System Demonstration or (3) Terminate Program and the Execute Program process ends. Execute Program
What was the Milestone C decision? A splitting gateway that continues the process flow based on information from the Evaluate Program Milestone C process step. There are three mutually-exclusive process flows: (1) Rework is required and the flow returns to Manage System Demonstration, (2) Approved and the flow continues to Manage Low-rate Initial Production, or (3) Terminate Program and the Execute Program process completes. Execute Program
What was the revision assessment result? A splitting gateway that continues the process flow based on information form the Assess Acquisition Program baseline Revision process step. There are two possible mutually-exclusive process flows: (1) Either the revision is recommended and the flow continues to Evaluate Acquisition Program Baseline Revision or (2) the revision requires rework and the flow returns to Manage Oversight Information. Execute Program Sub-Process APB Revision
Where is Acceptance Performed? Determination of where acceptance procedures are to be performed, either at the vendor or customer facilities. Acknowledge Goods Tendered and Services Rendered
Where is Acceptance? A gateway to determine whether the acknowledged goods are source or destination. Perform Receipt, Acceptance and Return
Where to Apply Collection? Apply the collection to the one of the posting general ledger accounts. IGT-IPP Systems View - Part 1
Manage Collections
Will an accessions waiver be filed? Will an accessions waiver be filed? If an accessions waiver will be filed, then manage accession waiver. If an accessions waiver will not be filed, then process ends. HL Manage Recruiting
Will Line of Duty decision be appealed? Will Line of Duty (LoD) decision be appealed? If yes, then provide LoD appeal decision. If no, then end LoD determination process. HL Manage Line of Duty Determination Process
Will Member require reenlistment waiver? Will Member require reenlistment waiver? If yes, then submit reenlistment waiver. If no, then make reenlistment decision. HL Administer Reenlistment Process
Will the determination be appealed? Will the determination be appealed? If yes, then conduct the unfavorable personnel security clearance determination appeal process. If no, then enforce the unfavorable personnel security clearance determination. HL Manage Personnel Security
Work Order Modification Required ? The Modification for the The Work Order is required Develop and Update Work Order