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LRP - BEA 10.0 (02/14/2013)

OV-6c Business Process - BEA LRP Traceability CBM Report


The OV-6c Traceability CBM report provides a view of the BEA Laws, Regulations and Policies (LRP) Repository Baseline by OV-6c Business Process for a specific CBM. Given that only those constraints identified as relevant to the CBM are mapped to OV-6c Business Processes, this report does not contain the entire Repository. It is provided to give the widest possible audience user-friendly access to the compliance BEA LRP mapped to the BEA and displays the OV-6c Business Processes by specific CBM in a downloadable spreadsheet format. All relevant BEA LRP are arranged by source in the Office of General Counsel (OGC) approved hierarchy.