FoS Logistics Planning 

Type - System Entity
Long Name: Logistics Planning Family of Systems 
Description: The Logistics Planning Family of Systems encompasses systems which align with Deliver Property and Forces and Dispose or Return Property Materiel Core Business Mission Capabilities, i.e. determining resources, forecasting demand, balancing resources and demand, and publishing supply chain plans. Systems in this Family perform the system functions such as:
- Assess Capacity
- Assess Demand
- Develop Integrated Logistics Plan
- Develop Logistics Strategy
- Identify Materiel Requirement
- Plan Distribution
- Plan Logistics Services
- Plan Materiel Resources. 
CBM Stakeholders: MSSM

System Entity - Diagrams


Diagram Type
External System Interface Diagram SV-1 Systems Interface Description
Materiel Supply and Service Management System Interface Diagram SV-1 Systems Interface Description

System Entity - System Interfaces


System Interfaces From System Entity To System Entity
FoS External Systems - FoS Logistics Planning FoS External Systems
FoS Logistics Planning
FoS Logistics Planning - FoS Manage Sourcing FoS Logistics Planning
FoS Manage Sourcing
FoS Manage Sourcing - FoS Logistics Planning FoS Manage Sourcing
FoS Logistics Planning

System Entity - System Functions


System Function Available for Services
Assess Capacity F
Assess Demand F
Assess Operational Requirement F
Collect Logistics Network Infrastructure Information F
Create Materiel Resource Plan F
Create Return Plan F
Create Transportation Plan F
Develop Integrated Logistics Plan F
Develop Logistics Strategic Plan F
Develop Logistics Strategy F
Establish Transportation Movement Requirement F
Execute Materiel Resource Schedule F
Identify Materiel Requirement F
Identify Resource for Activities F
Manage Quality Control F
Manage and Develop Plan Criteria F
Plan Distribution F
Plan Logistics Services F
Plan Materiel Resources F
Plan Return F

System Entity - System Nodes


System Nodes

System Entity - Enterprise Sub-Services


Enterprise Sub-Services