External Carrier Data 

Type - System Data Exchange
Description: A movement plan for specific cargo or passengers. Includes the Manifest document that details the passengers or items carried for a specific destination. For example, scheduled intermediate stops, marshaling area information, movement times, specific locations (origin, destination), mode - to include (a) inland surface transportation (rail, road, and inland waterway); (b) sea transport (coastal and ocean); and (c) air transportation. Information concerning commercial or organic transportation mode availability and contract rates and tariffs from carriers by commodity, lane, and mode for shipments including ports, airlift, sealift, railway, highway, customs, and traffic management. Used to track the identity, status, and location of DoD units and non-unit cargo and passengers, medical patients, and personal property from origin to consignee or destination across the range of military logistics operations. (Defense Transportation Regulation -DTR Part I-IV). 
Manual Description:

System Data Exchange - Information Exchanges


Information Exchanges Available for BEA Compliance
External Carrier Information F

System Data Exchange - System Interfaces


System Interfaces
FoS External Systems - FoS Distribution