Manage Military Health Services 

Type - Business Capability
Description: This capability is associated with providing direction, resources, healthcare providers, eligibility, enrollment, and other means necessary to promote the health of the Department of Defense (DoD) TRICARE beneficiary population. This capability also includes developing and promoting health awareness issues to educate customers, discovering and resolving environmentally based health threats, providing health services, providing preventive care and problem intervention, and improving the means and methods for maintaining the health of the beneficiary population by constantly evaluating the performance of the healthcare services system. 

Business Capability - Operational Activity


Operational Activities
Assess Beneficiary Health Status
Assess Effectiveness of Access to Care
Coordinate and Integrate Health Services
Define and Assess Beneficiary Population
Deliver Health Services
Develop Population Health Management Practices
Ensure Quality of Health Services
Evaluate Population Health Management
Implement Population Health Management Practices
Manage Healthcare Enrollment and Eligibility
Manage Healthcare Information
Manage Military Health Services
Manage Patient Appointment Scheduling
Manage Patient Encounters Over Continuum Of Care
Perform Healthcare Assessment and Plan For Care
Perform Medical Management
Perform Medical Surveillance
Plan Health Services
Support Healthcare Benefit Education and Community Service