OV-6c Business Process Model
Accept Goods and Services
Acknowledge Goods Tendered and Services Rendered
Administer Procurement Instrument
Administer the Contract
Asset Accountability
Award Procurement Instrument
CIP Process
Common Supplier Engagement
Conduct Physical Inventory
Create CIP and or WIP Account
Create Initial Asset Record
Define Cost Performance Model
Develop Procurement Strategy
Develop Sourcing Strategy
Dispose or Return Property and Materiel
Execute Apportionment and Allocate Funds
Execute Continuing Resolution
Execute Contract
Execute Contract Closeout
Execute Requisition
Execute Rescission, Cancellation and Deferrals
Execute Sourcing Strategy
Finalize Acceptance
Financial Visibility
Implement Case in Foreign Military Sales Trust Fund
Maintain Asset Information
Manage Accounts Receivable
Manage Ad Hoc Reporting
Manage Baseline for Reprogramming
Manage Budgetary Resources
Manage Collections
Manage Cost
Manage Delinquent Debt
Manage Disbursements
Manage Execution Fund Account
Manage Execution with Treasury
Manage Financial Management Policy
Manage Funds Balance with Treasury
Manage General Ledger
Manage Investments
Manage Liabilities
Manage Payment
Manage Procurement Entitlement
Manage Receivables
Manage Report of Programs
Manage Sales and Procurement
Monitor and Improve Process
Perform Acceptance Procedures
Perform Asset Accountability
Perform Asset Valuation
Perform Budgeting
Perform Build and Make and Maintenance and Sustainment
Perform Cost Analysis
Perform ESOH Services
Perform Financial Reporting
Perform Inspection and Testing and Verification
Perform Instrument Closeout
Perform Physical Asset Accountability
Perform Programming
Perform Receipt, Acceptance and Return
Perform Reprogramming and Transfers
Populate Cost Performance Model
Post to General Ledger
Process Requirement
Receive and Accept Purchase Request
Receive Goods and Services
Support Congressional Budget Review
Track Congressional Actions
Update CIP and or WIP Account