BEA Laws, Regulations and Policies (LRP)
BEA LRP Reports
OV-6c Business Process - BEA LRP Traceability BEP Report
The OV-6c Traceability CBM report provides a view of the BEA Laws, Regulations and Policies (LRP) Repository Baseline by process object for a specific CBM. Given that only those constraints identified as relevant to the CBM are mapped to OV-6c Business Processes, this report does not contain the entire Repository. It is provided to give the widest possible audience user-friendly access to the compliance BEA LRP mapped to the BEA and displays the OV-6c Business Processes by specific CBM in a downloadable spreadsheet format. All relevant BEA LRP are arranged by source in the Office of General Counsel (OGC) approved hierarchy.
Excel file CBM: FM XHTML page FM (A-L) XHTML page FM (M) XHTML page FM (N-Z)
Excel file CBM: HRM XHTML page HRM (A-M) XHTML page HRM (N-Z)
Excel file CBM: MSSM XHTML page MSSM (A-C) XHTML page MSSM (D-O) XHTML page MSSM (P-Z)
Excel file CBM: RPILM XHTML page RPILM (A-L) XHTML page RPILM (M-Z)
Excel file CBM: WSLM XHTML page WSLM (A-Z)
OV-6c Business Process - BEA LRP Traceability Alpha Sort Report
The OV-6c Business Process - LRP Traceability alpha sort report provides a view of the BEA Laws, Regulations and Policies Repository (LRP) by displaying the OV-6c Business Processes in alphabetical order in an expandable outline form. When this outline is expanded the System Architect definition and the linked constraints at the appropriate outline levels are accessible. All relevant BEA LRP are arranged by source in the Office of General Counsel (OGC) approved hierarchy.

Expanding a specific source document will display the applicable sections of the source document in outline form (Part, Chapter, Section, etc.) associated with the specific OV-6c Business Process selected. At this point, access to the web site of the source document is also available. Please note that some web sites are not always accessible and web site addresses change over time. The addresses provided represent what was available at the time of publication. Also note that this is a large HTML report and will take some time to completely load.
XHTML page A XHTML page C XHTML page D XHTML page E XHTML page F
XHTML page G XHTML page I XHTML page L XHTML page M (to Manage H...) XHTML page M (from Manage I...)
XHTML page N XHTML page O XHTML page P (to Perform...) XHTML page P (from Populate...) XHTML page R
XHTML page S XHTML page T XHTML page U XHTML page V XHTML page W
OV-6a Operational Rule Traceability Report
The OV-6a Operational Rule Traceability Report provides a view of the specific compliance BEA Laws, Regulations and Policies (LRP) that have currently been mapped to the OV-6a Operational Rules. It is provided to give the widest possible audience user-friendly access to the compliance LRP mapped to the BEA and displays the OV-6a Operational Rules in alphabetical order.
OV-6a Operational Rule Traceability Report